Hot Toys MMS701 C-3PO (ROTJ)

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I just PO'd the ROTJ Vader and I want this too, but my brain is yelling at me to stop and not order 2 $300+ dollies in the same day...... :hammerhead:

I always said/told myself my threshold for a 1/6th figure would be $300....

Obi-Wan dx Vader was the 1st to exceed my limit as I figured we'd never see another battle damaged Vader, and now I just convinced myself the ROTJ Vader and this 3-PO are worth it too... :slap

I think I'll wait till tomorrow to PO this guy.....


Now, the evaluation begins… To order Sideshow’s version…. Or…. Go with Hot Toys? Such…. A though… Decision….
Now, the evaluation begins… To order Sideshow’s version…. Or…. Go with Hot Toys? Such…. A though… Decision….

Well Sideshow made that decision for you since theirs is waitlisted. I have their V1 Threepio but don’t think it’ll hold a candle to the Hot Toys version.

That’s a background Threepio. This is a foreground Threepio. :lol

Diecast. It’s effin diecast.

Yep, same as the AOTC. I remember when we first saw that, there were concerns it’ll be $400 like the Diecast Iron Man figures. Glad that didn’t come to pass because that’d be a hard sell.

$324 honestly doesn’t feel that bad to me for what you get. But I suppose that depends on how much you like C-3PO. He’s one of my favorite characters so I’m just happy to see him.
I would prefer plastic on AOTC to pick up the fine details. I wasn't so please with watching the recent MARK 1 diecast reviews of the lack of details.

Now, the evaluation begins… To order Sideshow’s version…. Or…. Go with Hot Toys? Such…. A though… Decision….
I know not exactly the same, but after having multiple Sideshow R2D2s with varying degrees of lower quality than the last with each new one I bought or got a replacement for, there's no evaluation to be had when it comes to this anymore, at least for a majority of characters -- HT all the way.

As @MyenShi said, Sideshow's is a background C3PO, the HT is a foreground figure.
I know not exactly the same, but after having multiple Sideshow R2D2s with varying degrees of lower quality than the last with each new one I bought or got a replacement for, there's no evaluation to be had when it comes to this anymore, at least for a majority of characters -- HT all the way.

As @MyenShi said, Sideshow's is a background C3PO, the HT is a foreground figure.

Exactly. I still love all the Sideshow Droids I have and was fortunate to not have any issues aside from V1 3PO’s backwards thumbs. But they do feel more like ancillary figures for a display.

The leap from SSC R2 to HT was significant, and it feels even more so for Threepio.

It’s going to make me look at the SSC like it’s the Taco Bell cup topper from 1997. And I loved that thing when I was a kid.

Maybe its just me, or maybe it's because in literally EVERY SINGLE promo shot they have him leaning back at the hips, but that exposed mid-section with the wires and hoses looks awfully long and exaggerated to me. The weathering looks pretty good, but I think I'll be sticking with my Tamashi...

Now if they release a new weathered diecast R2, then I'm done for!
Exactly. I still love all the Sideshow Droids I have and was fortunate to not have any issues aside from V1 3PO’s backwards thumbs. But they do feel more like ancillary figures for a display.

The leap from SSC R2 to HT was significant, and it feels even more so for Threepio.

It’s going to make me look at the SSC like it’s the Taco Bell cup topper from 1997. And I loved that thing when I was a kid.

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oh man! I had that Watto topper! Might still have it in the cupboard somewhere.

But yea, if I had need for more than 1 set of R2 and 3PO, then I might keep one of my SS R2s but I really just want them on a shelf together.
Is it me, or is the torso section with the wires exposed too long? I don't remember that much wiring exposed.

QuiGonFishing mentioned it as well.

Maybe its just me, or maybe it's because in literally EVERY SINGLE promo shot they have him leaning back at the hips, but that exposed mid-section with the wires and hoses looks awfully long and exaggerated to me. The weathering looks pretty good, but I think I'll be sticking with my Tamashi...

Now if they release a new weathered diecast R2, then I'm done for!

It did kind of bother me when I first saw the photos, but like QGF I noticed every shot has the upper torso leaned back really far so that could be part of it.

It kind of looks like someone pulled the upper part of the figure back to take a shot of the wiring and forgot to put it back down. :lol
This is part of 3PO's specific look in ROTJ though - his mid-section is slightly taller/more prominent vs SW/ESB, in addition to the new more grid-like wiring pattern. The bigger torso area is very noticeable in some shots on Endor. Love that they matched that too.

I am aware, and I agree the details look great. But the midsection looks just a bit too exposed in the promo photos.

What QGF and I were commenting on is that it might look that way just because the figure is leaning back a little excessively in all their promo shots.

3PO 2.jpg
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Now, the evaluation begins… To order Sideshow’s version…. Or…. Go with Hot Toys? Such…. A though… Decision….
The Sideshow version isn’t all that great in my opinion. Delicate pistons for the elbows and backwards thumbs on the hands.

I’ve been wanting to upgrade for a while. The Hot Toys version will undoubtedly be better. Such a Sideshow move to suddenly open up orders for their 3PO again after Hot Toys puts up their new version.
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Hopefully no fat suit Luke with no open mouth, proper chest flap, hands, and usb lightsaber or more Ewoks lol

You ever think about how a sentence like that only makes sense to people like us who hang out here?

It's like we've all created a new language.

"May you be more resilient than early Hot Toys pleather and your articulation never hindered by a suit beneath."