Tell that to every headsculpt ever.Prototypes typically get BETTER in final production. That’s the point of prototyping.
That plastic hood aint gonna look like fabric no matter what they do.
Tell that to every headsculpt ever.Prototypes typically get BETTER in final production. That’s the point of prototyping.
I have plenty of headsculpts that are far and away better than their prototypes. Heck, HT just showed off new and improved headsculpts for their Pat-Batman.Tell that to every headsculpt ever.
That plastic hood aint gonna look like fabric no matter what they do.
I'm sorry but none of the HT headsculpts have better paint applications than what the prototype shows, it's always way softer and flatter in mass production even if it's still a good sculpt.I have plenty of headsculpts that are far and away better than their prototypes. Heck, HT just showed off new and improved headsculpts for their Pat-Batman.
Don’t get me wrong, plastic is not ideal, but I know they prototyped fabric for him and it probably just didn’t pass. I’ve had my own terrible experiences with patterned, quilted hoods and there’s so much detail in Moon Knight’s that I fully understand why they went with the sculpt. Even set photos often make the hood look weirdly artificial (and the CG versions don’t help).
I’m currently making my own Azrael figure and just doing a similar hood is a royal pain. I’m thinking of using a plastic shell and gluing that fabric to it so it keeps its shape.
Not necessarily a true statement when it comes to six scale figuresPrototypes typically get BETTER in final production. That’s the point of prototyping.
But you can tell the inconsistency between the colouring and texture of the hood and cape in that picture too. And then…you notice the giant gaps between the hood and the head/neck…With a fabric hood the whole figure it would be a lot better IMO although in that pic above, it's just the bits at the side that looks bad
If this figure looks like "absolute dog****" to you, what does an actually objectively bad sculpt look like to you? Such as the current Doc Ock sculpt? or that smiling Ant-Man? How many even worse adjectives can you dig up? Your hyperbole is nonsensical. Hot toys not going for a cloth hood does not equal "dog****".I'm sorry but none of the HT headsculpts have better paint applications than what the prototype shows, it's always way softer and flatter in mass production even if it's still a good sculpt.
If you think this looks good then more power to you, but it looks like absolute dog **** to me (it's not just the hood btw, it's the entire thing).
Exactly my point. Can it look better? Definitely, but how much do you want to pay? Wait for InArt if you want accuracy lolI'm just as underwhelmed as everyone else, but with all those crisscrossing fabric layers I really don't see how HT had any choice except to make the figure the way they did. Unless you want this to be a super premium figure that costs $600 or more, and that's just not what HT does.
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Now that’s a sick ass suit.
That was mine almost done
Looks amazing bro!!
Who is that Miguel O'Hara?What should have been