Shirt look a tad too clean to anyone else?
easily fixable...chest looks a tad too small for Penelope as well

Shirt look a tad too clean to anyone else?
The costume is spot on.
Previous page of this thread:Her necklace should also be silver.
this is going to be like Black Widow I feel. Nobody wanted it initially and then when it was sold out everyone wanted it. Now its like $300 for the thing.![]()
Can't wait to preorder. Looks like I'll need to pick up Jack soon too. I might try to set it up so that they come about the same time. That would be awesome.
I think it's the ****s and the clean shirt that are lacking.
easily fixable...chest looks a tad too small for Penelope as well![]()
Figure looks great. I am glad she is finally coming out! Hopefully Barbossa is released and a new Davy Jones. We don't need Blackbeard! He was the only part of the movie I did not care much for.
I get really tired of the likeness complaints these days. Seems like people just camp out in threads for figures they don't intend to buy and just sit around stirring up trouble for those interested. You've made your point so move on. It's obnoxious seeing the same people reply to every positive comment with their own negative one.
I heard some mention that this is the same generic expression most Hot Toys females get. It actually isn't. The bad expression was the one figures like the Blade girl got, the first Black Widow, and the Jill Valentine figures. Those are lifeless stares that can't be used for anything, including normal poses or battle poses. This is actually more in line with a normal face sculpt, not quite angry nor happy or excited. It has a bit more emotion than that which is why it works better with action poses, though I agree they should have given her more emotion. In fact they should have did an angry sculpt and happy sculpt so she could match Jack really well.
And finally the rooted hair. Why do people complain about these so frequently I do not understand. No one has an issue with almost all clothes and materials being fabric, but the single change of the hair suddenly turns things into barbie dolls? Seriously that's incredibly stupid logic. Also unlike Babydoll this hair should require little to no maintenance of any kind considering how simple it is. Even if it did, is fixing up the hair suddenly some kind of immense chore yet no one has an issue with having to fix up suits, ties, shoes, shirts, etc..? The "futzing" people here are all so proud of is the exact same concept, not at all unique.
Can't wait to preorder. Looks like I'll need to pick up Jack soon too. I might try to set it up so that they come about the same time. That would be awesome.
I have a Jack with your name on it![]()
Weren't you the guy posting in other threads about what a waste it was for HT to make the other exclusives? lols...