Muahahah! This is gonna be fun....
10 Reasons (theres SOOO much more, but i'll do 10 for now)
Why AvP-R is a Piece of ^^^^!
10: The direction. Dear god, I dont think a movie could be THIS generic and boring. I dont remember a single shot that looked good.
9: The Teenagers. A teenage character is fine, but when you devote a whole subplot to them....christ.
7: Acting......please. "People are dying.....we need guns!" "Things like this dont happen this kind of place". "Ray was skinned alive", "Oh...Jesus. *drinks*
6: ADI's Predator!!!
5: Ripping off the other movies. Taking a scene from Aliens, and throwing it in there "For the fans" is stupid. A little hint, or a line is one thing, but to take a scene *Like the Predator Arrival* and just copy it is lazy.
4: Aliens Holy god, they look terrible. Fleshy stupid things. How those AvP-R Aliens could be scary at all what so ever, is beyond me. Oh and not only that, but how useless they were. Fodder for "UBER_WOLF".
3: The Predalien. Everything about her. She's the worst looking creature in the entire Alien/Predator series's. She's more Predator then Alien, which makes no sense, because no matter what the host is, its STILL AN ALIEN. It may take traits from the host, but it is NOT half and half. The dreadlocks look silly. The mandibles look like someone said "Hey, we need mandibles on this thing!" and then glued some big goofy mandibles on its face.
The Repoduction method is the most stupid thing I've ever seen. "OH WE BE HARDCORE!!!11 WE HAVE PREDALIENS VOMITZ IN TEH PREGGER WOMEN!"
Wow! Edgy!......not.
2: The script. Proving once again Fox is the WORST film company running today.
and finally...
1: The way the movie destroyed the Alien series. Aliens havent been on earth, never have. They never knew about the creature until Alien. Anyone who says otherwise needs to watch Alien again.
Well, that was fun. I thought this was a good movie, until, like for AvP, its total crap.