hot toys predalien? hot or not?

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Super Freak
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
east coast
hi guys, ive decided to make a thread series called hot or not?, all we do is give each others opininon about the titles figure, in this case the predalien, feel free to post pics.

my hot or not, verdict will come in when mine arrives :monkey5



still not sure , I wasn't keen on the character I'm not so keen on how the paint looks and many people have complained about it. But.... the sculpt looks awesome and it appears to be massive. So it might be a winner.
thanks guys for this, nice pics,once mine arrives i will make a final in hand verdict, hot or not?
just off that last pic to e it looks like one of mcfarlane's 12 inch figs or something from another company. I don't know !.
Well....he's got an interesting personality and while he looks interesting he just doesn't have the appeal I was told about so I'd say cute but not Hot.....:lol
Hot!!Totally looking forward to mine!That things a Beast!
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I say its hot...I don't own one and I don't know if my brother ordered one for us or not, but it looks pretty good to me.

Keep in mind that I am not a stickler for EXTREME movie accuracy and this movie got so many bad reviews from Pred/Alien fans that I skipped it altogether.
This figure is hot. I would have bought it even if I hadn't seen the movie. Probably more despite of it. It's an alien, for the most part, and aliens are cool. Somehow it bears a striking resemblance to Pumpinhead, body wise. The articulated mandibles are cool too. Hot not not.
You'd all hit that ass? not hot outside of the obvious context.

But I ordered one, just wish CSC would finally ship mine.
Not hot enough. I cancelled mine, and my Wolf Predator. As much as I WANTED to love them, I was just not impressed by either. (and I'm upset about that!) :(
I think I'm gonna sell my Wolf when he arrives. I lost all interest in him during the last coupla months. I'm not too sure about keeping the Predalien, but I have most of the HT alien figures so I'd need it to build a complete collection. but who knows, mine hasn't even shipped yet, huzzah.
I may just have to get one...

But is anyone getting the BD version there were pics of a while back? I know I'm not...