Hot Toys Predator Leg Fix?

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Big Scary

Just a little freaky
Jun 7, 2006
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Does anyone know how to fix a broken leg peg. The peg from the thigh that connects to the hip broke and I'm trying to see if there's a well known way to fix this. Any help is appreciated.
Does anyone know how to fix a broken leg peg. The peg from the thigh that connects to the hip broke and I'm trying to see if there's a well known way to fix this. Any help is appreciated.

well, fixing it is possible but with supa glue it's still very easy to break off. a new body from ebay is my recommendation. because i had a similar problem on the neck and i ended up paying a new body. could you post some pics?:maul
I can't post pics and I dont think buying another predator body off eBay is worthwhile unless they're really cheap. thanks for the input.
mine broke in the same spot and the only thing I could do was buy another body.

There are tutorials on dremeling a pin into the socket of both, superglueing that pin into the hole, then putting it into the other side all with glue.

but at the end of the day, paying $40 for a body was a better deal and less time.

I can always jack around with the pin method at a later date as I now have a spare body.
mine broke in the same spot and the only thing I could do was buy another body.

There are tutorials on dremeling a pin into the socket of both, superglueing that pin into the hole, then putting it into the other side all with glue.

but at the end of the day, paying $40 for a body was a better deal and less time.

I can always jack around with the pin method at a later date as I now have a spare body.
Where did you get a spare body for $40? And Warrior thanks for the greeting.
Which Predator body is it? Superglue may be an option but as Etht26 pointed out the joint will never be as strong as before and it sounds like you're talking about a weight-bearing joint. If you're talking an AvP Pred, I'd say Superglue him and put him on his stand and be prepared to keep him that way. Since the AvP armor doesn't allow much flexibility in the first place it's not that bad a solution.
Seriously, how do you break such a thing?
Is this sarcasm? Hard to tell over the internet.

I never broke it myself. I bought it from a LCS that broke it and gave the owner (a friend) $20 for it. It was such a good deal I figured why not buy it and even if I cant make it so it still has mobility I can always just super glue it in place and put it on the stand and never re-pose it. Pretty much what I do with all of my Predator kits I had before this. They went in a case in a single pose and never came out. I just had a feeling that it would be hard to fix properly when I got it.

It's and AVPR Cleaner kit.
Seriously, how do you break such a thing?<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>

Nothing breaks if we will handle it properly :)
mine broke in the same spot and the only thing I could do was buy another body.

There are tutorials on dremeling a pin into the socket of both, superglueing that pin into the hole, then putting it into the other side all with glue.

but at the end of the day, paying $40 for a body was a better deal and less time.

I can always jack around with the pin method at a later date as I now have a spare body.

I'd love to see the new body and how it looks on your predator. And thats a great price for a body.:D
Yes! I bought it from Elder_Predator who was offering a painted body.
I will take a pic when he is ready.. I am slack.
Yes! I bought it from Elder_Predator2 who was offering a painted body.
I will take a pic when he is ready.. I am slack.
I also have a head...

But yes, you best way to fix it might be to super glue t and never pose it again because it will be fragile, more fragile than before, after the fix.
Nothing breaks if we will handle it properly :)

When i get my P1 (my first and only HT pred) and put it together i'm seriously going to follow every tiny bit of advice posted by the more experienced HT pred builders. If it breaks i'll go insane.
When i get my P1 (my first and only HT pred) and put it together i'm seriously going to follow every tiny bit of advice posted by the more experienced HT pred builders. If it breaks i'll go insane.
I've never had a problem with any of the HT Predator figures but the more I look at this one I bought used I realize that people really don't know how to put these things together. The guy who owned this superglued a bunch of the metal springs to the predator.