Hot Toys Princess Leia (Bespin Gown)

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Sure, the original licensors are complicit. But it's supply and demand. Lots of men and boys seeing a woman enslaved and forced to wear a metal bikini was a turn on, I guess. But it's kind of messed up, if you think about it. Modern sensibilities have keyed into that and are no longer okay with promoting it, which is fine by me.

By "original licensors" being complicit you mean Lucasfilm? The same company that still controls the brand, except with a corporate overlord for the past five years, yet with a largely unchanged practice and structure?

You make it sound like LFL licensing was previously run by human traffickers and now it's run by Amnesty International after those "modern sensibilities" showed up.

Lots of men and boys seeing a woman enslaved and forced to wear a metal bikini was a turn on, I guess.

And it seems those evil men and boys force hundreds (perhaps thousands) of female fans to wear the very same metal bikini at fan shows all around the world every year. And forced LFL to approve artwork and collectibles that sexualized the outfit.

Whatever the demand from a small percentage of SW fans, LFL should NOT have approved artwork or collectibles that sexualized the outfit - end of story.

Yes, men and boys - so messed up... only if you don't really think about it.
Very likely indeed they’ll do Bespin Han. However, I’m fine with my SSC Han in Carbonite as being my Bespin Han due to space.
So... I'm guessing no Han Bespin at SDCC? Really shocking that we'd get a Leia Bespin and not the long-rumored Han. Leia's a no-brainer first day PO, but surely this means Han Bespin will be reveled in the next month or two. It'd be very strange if the released this and no Han Bespin for the next two years.
Wow. Is that all anyone sees when Leia is in the Slave outfit? It’s almost like people are projecting their sick fantasies onto supposed sexual predator fanboys.

I saw a beautiful empowered princess, senator, trying to be brave and save the man she loves from a vile gangster who got caught and was forced into servitude just like R2 and 3PO. At least she wasn’t forced to be a frozen wall decoration for over a year while her friends figured out how to spring her.

Just the mere fact that she got her revenge for being put in that position in the first place by strangling her captor to death shows how much of a bad ass she really is even in a gold bikini.

What about Oola who’s nipples you could see right through her costume? That green makeup didn’t hide anything. Nobody gets outraged at that. At least not yet. I’m sure it will happen soon. Give it time. What about the other backup singing dancing girls in similar outfits? Do they not count?

I guess only now after Carrie Fisher expressed her distress over the costume and got some perspective in her old age that she might be embarrassed by something she did when she was younger, is it acceptable to people that she was forced to wear the costume and play a slave in chains against her will only for the amusement and sexual gratification of men in power.

Sounds like a revisionist backwards deconstructive view of history to me. It demeans her as a woman to say she had no say and infantilizes her to say it was against her will. She got paid for God’s sake didn’t she? She took the paycheck.
Yeah some folks take this to far and get mad over little issues like this. So sad it turned to this. Never heard anything like this when the first princess leia prisoner outfit came out like 95-96 something like that no one made big stink over it then like they are now.
So... I'm guessing no Han Bespin at SDCC? Really shocking that we'd get a Leia Bespin and not the long-rumored Han. Leia's a no-brainer first day PO, but surely this means Han Bespin will be reveled in the next month or two. It'd be very strange if the released this and no Han Bespin for the next two years.

We got a Hoth Leia but neither Hoth Luke or Han. Bespin Han is most likely the next HT Han but pairing their release doesn't seem to be a priority... unless it means saber duel potential.
A Bespin Chewie with C-3PO on his back would be pretty cool. I always appreciate a two-characters-in-one pack. Kills two birds with one stone.
She cashed the checks and did several promo photo shoots in it to boot.

Yup. The actress making her third SW film, who's married to cultural icon Paul Simon at the time, who's been a Hollywood insider since childhood, who is two years from shooting a movie with Woody Allen, who has already done a sexual Lolita-esque cameo before she turned 18, and who routinely does blow with icons Belushi, Ackroyd and Idle is "forced" to wear a costume she's "uncomfortable" with. Riiiight...:slap

A Bespin Chewie with C-3PO on his back would be pretty cool. I always appreciate a two-characters-in-one pack. Kills two birds with one stone.

If you wish another HT Chewy into existence I will never forgive you.:lecture

A display with all of them together would be like an alley cat taxidermy competition.
What about Oola who’s nipples you could see right through her costume? That green makeup didn’t hide anything. Nobody gets outraged at that. At least not yet. I’m sure it will happen soon. Give it time. What about the other backup singing dancing girls in similar outfits? Do they not count?

I really need to pay more attention to my blu ray.
Boba looking sleazy as.. while waiting for the imminent girl on girl action. Pure filth ROTJ is.

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"...and play with my 5 1/4" floppy..."


I'd say that guy is more like a 3 1/2". Who is it ? One of Georges high school geek buddies or what ?

Looks like John Cleese :lol

Anyway I digress, where were we..... Princess Leia (Bespin Gown)
I'd say that guy is more like a 3 1/2". Who is it ? One of Georges high school geek buddies or what ?

Looks like John Cleese :lol

Anyway I digress, where were we..... Princess Leia (Bespin Gown)

It's Don Bies, a Visual Effects guy from ILM.