Do you guys think the skulls on the base are oversized or am I the only one?
Do you guys think the skulls on the base are oversized or am I the only one?
Great display. What xeno figure is that?
They are. Weather them and it won't be as noticeable. And cover the lava crap while you are at it - just paint it with black, and thus you'll remain with cracked asphalt, much better looking.
If you did this could you please post a pic? It sounds like a great idea.
Took a small break from painting my 1/4 Pred to get rid of the ridiculous lava on the 1/4 Endo base. Removed the lava, and added some ash. Finished for now.
I did it to mine a while ago.
I guess because mine's on a high shelf I can't see the base, so it hasn't bothered me.