I think Sideshow will be shipping out Jill by next Monday!
Credit cards for the regular orders are going to be charged by May 27 (tomorrow), so I guess that they already have the figures in stock!
sideshow shipped mine today
Mine got shipped out this morning! I'd have to say that Flexpay worked out great this time around, getting shipped this time with the regular orders.
cant belive its taking soo long to shipto everyone. im waiting for some youtube reviews before i decide to get it on this figure
Well, based on the reviews from this thread, the figure looks great. But, the cloak appears to be either hit or miss with the tailoring. Some cloaks seem to fit well, while others don't.
You should really get in on it soon, if you interested man. It's an RE figure, let alone one of Jill Valentine. So if you're planning to hit Ebay, the price (with shipping) isn't going to stay in the sub $200 range for too long.
youre right but its just my money situation. i wanna get Metal Gear Rex by 3A and HT Metal Gear stuff, i simply cant afford much right now. Unfortunatly i had to miss out on batman DX02 and im still gutted about that, but like i said seeing it in a video, for some reason, helps me make the final desicion on figures