It's got a key in it, which I assume is for that drawer on the first floor.
Theres a locked drawer in the kitchen, you get the lockpick for
It's got a key in it, which I assume is for that drawer on the first floor.
Theres a locked drawer in the kitchen, you get the lockpick for
They'll probably get delayed till next year.![]()
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Geez...took them long enough. Ordered Leon.
Might consider Ada later on.
Wish they would consider Helena. I really like her character and would PO that.
But with videogame characters not being popular with Hot Toys, I doubt we'll get her.
I'm on the fence...heavily leaning on NOT getting them. I don't know you really think their sculpts are good enough?
Honestly, I think the initial earlier pics look better. I was definitely 100% when it was first revealed.
But, I dont know...the more recent pics, do look like it was a step back.
When you see how nice SS Harley, Leto Joker, Batman v Superman figures, and other newer Hot toys figure...I think this is not a slam dunk figure from Hot Toys.
I'm a big fan of Leon Kennedy though, so I had a hard time passing on it.
I also do think that maybe heating and cooling the hair mod might make it look even better.
When you're a fan of the character, and your only option is an older HT RE4 Leon, then its kinda a no brainer.
I do think its a nice figure, just not mind blowing like some of the newer figures.
Argh and that's why it stings more for me. RE4 Leon was my first HT ever. And this version just it was handed to HT B team. It doesn't scream "quality". Particularly the HS...I just can't see it. He looks more like Cary elwes from the princess bride. Oh and don't get me started on Ada...wth?
Don't get me wrong buddy and I hope I didn't offend you. I love the RE series and Leon was literally my first HT fig. That's why I'm so POed with this lackluster release. I really liked RE6, warts and all and eventually began to appreciate his RE6 render.
This figure pains me knowing I'm not jumping up for joy at another RE Leon figure.
I agree with you completely.
I think at one point, this was my most anticipated figure.
So It did surprise me earlier that when I went to PO, I actually hesitated.
But two things pushed me to order.
One, my RE4 Leon, even with a body substitute is showing its age compared to most of my figures.
Also, I did enjoy Leon and Ada's RE6 campaign, and thought their character design is the best in the series.
So passing on it means sticking with my old HT RE4 Leon, or...go ahead and sell that, and upgrade to this figure.
So for me, it's an easier decision cause I do want a Leon in my collection.
But yeah, if you don't necessarily feel like you have to have the character, then I do think it's an easy pass.
I'm hopeful though that maybe the Figure in-hand would be better.
It's not uncommon for HT's reveal pictures to look lackluster, but much better once released.
Maybe that's why it wasn't at sdcc or ani-com...maybe it's getting its final revision.