Super Freak
For this year, I personally think Yondu already has that title clinched.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Why couldn't the blue-man supporting player from GOTG look like Tom Cruise instead of my HT farmboy Luke Skywalker?![]()
Anyone know who the sculptors are for both of these ? Hopefully the same....
So young, Lee and Hyeon jeong, Kim are credited for Yondu.
Hwan, Kim is credited for Palpatine.
Yeah I'm still feeling pretty underwhelmed and let down by my Tarkin due to the paint job (which I'm still hoping to tweak at some point), and I'd hate for that to happen with this figure too.
Tarkin? That old bar has been surpassed already; that's so February.
Yeah the sculpt for Tarkin is still amazing, but with that paint job it still doesn't look nearly as good as the proto.
Tarkin? That old bar has been surpassed already; that's so February.
Seriously though, I still think Tarkin is one of HT's best figures this year. Up there with Yondu (but much simpler).
I agree. Sculpt, likeness is uncanny, and tailoring is top notch. Just wish he was aged more... paler skin and those liver spots would be killer. I feel sketchy attempting any paint mods to the sculpt since I am not too savvy in that department... maybe someday.
The brown hair on Tarkin killed it for me. I want to want it, but I just don't.
Wait, people on here are actually being negative about the Tarkin figure?? What is happening...