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Good points. I think it’s near impossible to be 100% objective when each person chooses a figure of the year. Your General Madine example, for instance.

What came out in 2018 SW wise? I honestly can’t really keep track of what was this year and what was the end of last year between SS and HT. This is what I know of:

Royal Guard
TLJ Kylo
TLJ Leia
TLJ Luke
TLJ Lobster guys
ROTS Anakin
ROTS Sith Anakin
ESB Boba Fett

EDIT: Hoth Leia, ESB Vader, any others?
Last edited:
My figure of the year would probably be the Mk 6, but as far as SW figures go, I think ROTJ Luke was my favorite I got last year, just because of all the iconic movie looks you can put him in. And because it's a figure I've been wanting for quite a long while.
Now that I see the list (still probably forgetting some), I’d still go TLJ Luke but right above Tarkin. Both are close to perfect figures for me, TLJ Luke sculpt isn’t perfect but really impressive nonetheless and the outfit is excellent. I’d then maybe put Boba, ROTJ Luke, and TLJ Leia.
Hey gang, I just received the deluxe version from Big Bad Toy Store. I forgot to cancel it and sadly I can no longer afford it. If anyone wants it I have it for sale for $310 shipped in the US.
Hey gang, I just received the deluxe version from Big Bad Toy Store. I forgot to cancel it and sadly I can no longer afford it. If anyone wants it I have it for sale for $310 shipped in the US.

Ebay might be the way to move it faster..
Thanks for the compliment Popnfresh98!

My pleasure! One of the best displays I’ve seen!

Good points. I think it’s near impossible to be 100% objective when each person chooses a figure of the year. Your General Madine example, for instance.

If I were trying to be as purely objective as an individual can be, I’d have to give figure of the year to Jack Sparrow. They nailed everything on that one. Some complain about the hat shape a bit, but that’s about it.

The sculpt and paint is out of this world, he looks like a little human standing there. Tailoring is good too, heck even his base is genuinely interesting.

Not the figure I was most pumped for as he’s not as popular as he once was, but just my pick based on objectivity.

For SW I’d have to give it to Anakin (either version) or Tarkin. Both have sharp sculpts unlike most other SW ones which turn out soft.

However I think Anakin beats Tarkin out just by looking a bit more accurate to the source than Tarkin does.

In terms of accessories and outfit/materials Anakin is the clear winner though. Given we all know Chan is a big Anakin fan, it really shows that HT went the extra mile for him ( with the one issue of the robe being short noted)

Anyway, that’s me trying to be objective. I have and love both of those figures, but neither are my personal figure of the year even still (there were a lot of good releases this past year)
Yeah, that figure looks like it turned out great based on others’ in hand pictures. Which brings up another issue with voting for “figure of the year”: not everyone has all the figures nominated in hand, so it’s kind of difficult to vote for a figure that you haven’t seen first hand in person. I mean sure you have others’ in hand pictures to base it on, but it’s still not quite the same as having it in hand yourself. I think people are more inclined to vote for the figures that they actually have.
Yeah, that figure looks like it turned out great based on others’ in hand pictures. Which brings up another issue with voting for “figure of the year”: not everyone has all the figures nominated in hand, so it’s kind of difficult to vote for a figure that you haven’t seen first hand in person. I mean sure you have others’ in hand pictures to base it on, but it’s still not quite the same as having it in hand yourself. I think people are more inclined to vote for the figures that they actually have.

But that’s how all voting works. It’s like a popularity contest, you’re voting in a subjective way and I know TLJ haters aren’t going to necessarily put TLJ Luke high on the their list.

The PT is so out of my general frame of mind I forgot to put Anakin on my list of 2018 figures (adding him now), but I can objectively say he looks terrific without having seen him in hand. And I can say he looks better than figures I have seen (like say, Hoth Leia). Maybe someone with both can confirm that.
Figures of the Year:
Jack Sparrow

Anakin has the problem that its a split vote: reg Anakin or Sith Anakin

Emperor is great but I think the permanent smile hurts him a bit.
I dont like the fabric. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it's all over poor Sheev.


Ehm.... I don't know how to take that, really...

Anyways, are there any wires on the HT robe?

EDIT: SSC robe has hood and sleeves all wired. HT has at least the hood wired. But what about the sleeves?
EDIT2: did anybody compare the hands already, or tried the SSC hands on the HT body?

Figures of the Year:
Jack Sparrow

Anakin has the problem that its a split vote: reg Anakin or Sith Anakin

Emperor is great but I think the permanent smile hurts him a bit.

You think Palps would be in the running for figure of the year?:horror

I just decided to check the status of mine from BBTS and was surprised to see he’ll be here Wednesday. :lol
What came out in 2018 SW wise? I honestly can’t really keep track of what was this year and what was the end of last year between SS and HT. This is what I know of:

Royal Guard
TLJ Kylo
TLJ Leia
TLJ Luke
TLJ Lobster guys
ROTS Anakin
ROTS Sith Anakin
ESB Boba Fett

EDIT: Hoth Leia, ESB Vader, any others?

There is a thread opened to vote. Voting ends soon!

2018 Figure of the Year! Voting Starts TODAY! CONTEST!

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
What came out in 2018 SW wise? I honestly can’t really keep track of what was this year and what was the end of last year between SS and HT. This is what I know of:

Royal Guard
TLJ Kylo
TLJ Leia
TLJ Luke
TLJ Lobster guys
ROTS Anakin
ROTS Sith Anakin
ESB Boba Fett

EDIT: Hoth Leia, ESB Vader, any others?

SS Snowtrooper Commander
Guys, instructions says there are two batteries included. Really? I might be blind.