Pre-ordered Emperor and throne. Will decide when they arrive what to do with SSC EX Emperor version and throne.
palps deluxe is sold out on BBTS - where everyone ordering from now that the codes are gone at sideshow?
Pre-ordered Emperor and throne. Will decide when they arrive what to do with SSC EX Emperor version and throne.
So, does anybody have experience with kghobby? Are they trustworthy? What are the shipping costs to Europe (Germany)?
KG Hobby is great.
Ok thank you
Do you also know if they mark the value of the item down to reduce/skip customs?
Ok thank you
Do you also know if they mark the value of the item down to reduce/skip customs?
Before both were going for $350-$500 but now it seems $250-$350 is the new norm. By the time the ht are released I have a feeling the price range will decrease even more.
There's a few people that seem to always insist the "improvement will be minimal" from Sideshow to HT. Not worth the price for a small upgrade.
I believe they always end up buying the HT.
There's a few people that seem to always insist the "improvement will be minimal" from Sideshow to HT. Not worth the price for a small upgrade.
I believe they always end up buying the HT.
I would prefer another face, something like that
View attachment 392058
But I understand that smile is iconic and I have PO'd the DX version.
I was in the "not buying" camp until the sculpt revisions were shown. Those turned me the other direction. I generally get the HT versions that come out but I also appreciate the years that the Sideshow versions of figures held down the shelf. Several years ago, the SSC Han/Luke Trooper looked pretty darned good. Now...not so much.
Guys... Timewalker Toys & Collectibles are amazing. I was able to score a 2 pack of Royal Guards and Deluxe Emperor. Prices are great, and if you pass the $350 threshold it's free shipping. You can't beat that anywhere! A+ customer service.