And there isn't much else you can include with him... cane, a few hands... that's it. 2nd head makes for a great item and it really made the Sideshow figure.
I redid the sculpt on the ss emperor I think I did a decent job and it looks better as well. View attachment 340986
The other part of me isn't really shocked because this is a character where Sideshow really turned out a stunning and complete effort, and a bar has actually been set for Hot Toys.
For me, the Sideshow Emperor came out perfect, the rob tailoring, the sculpt, the paint could be bested but it wasn't bad by any means. I loved taking photos of it and I hated having to sell mine. I also loved having the throne and I'm quite curious to see if Hot Toys will venture into diorama type pieces for Star Wars with it, frankly I consider it as important an accessory to ROTJ Palpatine as anything. I'm sure HT will likely include Sith lightning hands knowing them, maybe even with LED powered arms to make it actually glow, and I'm sure an HT throne would have working lights.
But the overall figure needs to meet or exceed this.
I'd like to see thinner material used for the HT version robe and I also know they'll do a bit better job on the sculpt and paint work than SS did.
Hopefully they'll offer a sculpt with a good grimace, like MaulFan mentioned, and some force hands.
My ideal scene is to have him chasing rebel fools with lightning like in Battlefront.
YOU will all DIE as ONE! bzzzzzzzzzzhddjsjdhkgkshfgfk
I don't have any rebel soldiers tho
I'm gonna have Palps spinning towards his enemies. It might be hard to capture that motion in one pose.
I wish this pic was clearer but I love the posture of him so far. Good narrow shoulders. I think HT may be making the robe too thick though.
View attachment 341102
The robe WAS thick! Go back and watch Jedi!
It has to translate properly to a 1/6 fabric though. How fabric drapes on a figure is more important than making it thick just because the original was thick.
EDIT: I forgot to add these - !!!!
Yeah, but have you seen the sideshow one? It definitely isn't as thick as that one was.