If any figure was going to be under $200, this would have been it. No human head, simple design, big cloak and stick.
End of an era. The era of $160 to $190 figures - RIP. And the $130 to 160 era wasn't buried so long ago.
While the newest figs are for the most part a noticeable improvement over the $100-130 era (and a huge improvement over the $60-100 era) I could have seen Sideshow doing a decent job on this simple figure for $130.
In context, definitely. HT has held the line with not-much-above-$200 with figs like Leia and even Snowie. SSC not so much.
$205... Way too much as expected.
Sigh, I wanted two before, now I'll struggle to justify the one.
Did you really think the Guard would be well under the $200 mark?
HT missed an opportunity though -- two Guards for $325 would have sold well.
Funny thing is, today, Sideshow would charge $250 for the same figure.
$205 was going to be as cheap as these were going to be unless a two pack was made. I don't like it either, but I need two so that's what I'm getting.
Funny thing is, today, Sideshow would charge $250 for the same figure.
And the helmet would be slightly wonky looking, and he'd be 3/4" too tall.![]()
But they would at least have included EU armor at that price, so it would even out.
Dude you have a year. Pick up an extra shift or something and you're good.
Or I can just buy the head/helmet, outer robe, and force pike parted out and combine it with a cheap Hasbro under suit, boots, and a generic body to save money. How much that will be is TBD.
Ordered my 2, like the great philosopher Ice Cube once said. Today was a good day.
Approaching $450 for two background/backdrop figs with shipping (or "shippings.") Ugh. Collecting these days.![]()