Hot Toys Savage Opress

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Ooh, swap out arms!

This photo was broken earlier on Hot Toys' Facebook, but it's now been repaired so I was finally able to download it:

Figure looks great! I wonder how many ppl will change their tune from the initial booth photos that were admittedly not that great. The headsculpt was something that some weren't impressed with from what I recall but it looks really good in these official photos. Doesn't look like it was tweaked since then.
I don't have CW Maul, but the Solo versions with mechanical legs doing just fine for me, if not even better.

I only want to collect the Empire era to the New Republic/Remnant era, so the Solo version is the only version for me.

I have the Sideshow TPM Maul 2.0 but I don't know what possessed me to get him. He's never had a place in the collection and as such is a waste of space. Sometimes I think about changing him into something more useful by giving him a head swap, or imagining he has mechanical legs under his trousers, but that's a hard sell.

Savage Opress looks good but he was dead before the age of Empire, as with my other problem Star Wars figure: Dooku.

I got Dooku because it seemed right that Christopher Lee should have 1/6 representation alongside Peter Cushing. He's moved around in the collection numerous times and has ended up in the back of the Detolf with Tarkin again.
I only want to collect the Empire era to the New Republic/Remnant era, so the Solo version is the only version for me.

I have the Sideshow TPM Maul 2.0 but I don't know what possessed me to get him. He's never had a place in the collection and as such is a waste of space. Sometimes I think about changing him into something more useful by giving him a head swap, or imagining he has mechanical legs under his trousers, but that's a hard sell.

Savage Opress looks good but he was dead before the age of Empire, as with my other problem Star Wars figure: Dooku.

I got Dooku because it seemed right that Christopher Lee should have 1/6 representation alongside Peter Cushing. He's moved around in the collection numerous times and has ended up in the back of the Detolf with Tarkin again.
*waves Jedi hand*

You don't want to keep Dooku...
You want to go home and rethink your collection...
You want to sell me your Dooku...
Figure looks great! I wonder how many ppl will change their tune from the initial booth photos that were admittedly not that great. The headsculpt was something that some weren't impressed with from what I recall but it looks really good in these official photos. Doesn't look like it was tweaked since then.
It looks better but I‘m still not in love with it.
what realistic figures ?
All of the other TCW figures that HT has made.