I'm debating getting this, possibly the two-pack from SSC with my May coupon code. Love ESB, these guys look bad-ass, and they are distinctive enough that I could justify it--I don't think I'll ever buy a Sandtrooper because they're just slightly modified Stormtroopers.
But these guys only appear briefly in the film, and don't do too much when they are there. If I knew for a fact that HT was going all in with Hoth Luke and Han, I would probably buy without hesitating. But they'll seem a bit out of place on the display otherwise.
But these guys only appear briefly in the film, and don't do too much when they are there. If I knew for a fact that HT was going all in with Hoth Luke and Han, I would probably buy without hesitating. But they'll seem a bit out of place on the display otherwise.