It's such a shame the Solo box office and hype was just not there. Ignoring the fact it is a great entry in the Star Wars universe (and I was firmly in the I don't need a Han Solo origin film or a recast Harrison camp - but I still did go see it at the cinema and loved it), it had some amazing designs. I would have bought (and still would) the Range Trooper, Mimban Trooper, Death Star Trooper (which obviously doubles as OT), Lando, snow gear version Chewie (although the lack of this Chewie had me just go with regular Han so maybe not), Enfys Nest, Rio Durant, Moloc, Pyke Syndicate alien, Qira, Benthic, and maybe if I'm not bankrupt (both in cash and space), Becket and Drydon Vos (but these two are low on the list).
And while they are at it they can also produce all those Rogue One figures they prototyped plus more! Since I'm dream'in here.