No, nothing is obvious. Assumptions run rampant but it doesn't mean they are true. For example people think that Sideshow has a Master Marvel License but they don't. They've confirmed that they have a Marvel license but movies, even alternate universes have to be licensed still which is why we don't see Ultimates, Zombies, etc. It's not all tied together. Seeing Ghost Rider just means they've licensed that just like they did other licenses but it doesn't point to a Master License. Ghost Rider is Sony/Columbia and so is Spidey so it could have been a packaged deal.
I read it. It still doesn't point to a Master License. It points to the fact they are doing movie figures and from various companies but I think people have the idea of a "master license" a bit a skew. When rumors of a DC/WB Batman Master License was runing it pointed to the idea that HT would get all the Batman Movies that WB owned from the Adam West Batman (which is the only Adam West part and piece that can be licensed but not the show) to the Christian Bale Batman and everything in between giving us essentially every Batman possible. That would be a Master License from beginning to end, one that is all encompassing. Obviously that rumor hasn't panned out.
A Marvel Master License would mean any Marvel film ever done that they were involved in would be fair game from the 1999 Spider-Man to next year's Thor but it would also include Fantastic Four, Ang Lee's Hulk and theoretically the Hasselhoff Nick Fury, since that was a Marvel Enterprises project which is the all-encompassing umbrella for Marvel film/tv projects. I don't think we have that. I don't think you'll see a Jessica Alba Sue Storm or even a Eric Bana Banner or Hulk. That would be a Master License.
What happened I believe is that HT busted their ass and while at Sony/Columbia for Spidey snapped up Ghost Rider. Cut a deal with 20th Century Fox for the X-Men trilogy while getting Wolverine: Origins. I think they'll continue to work with studios for the modern films but I wouldn't call it a Master license. It may sound like semantics to some but its important when dealing with what we can be expecting and what we can look towards in the future.