Hot Toys Star Wars Aliens

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Super Freak
Jan 16, 2009
Reaction score
Staffordshire UK
This is something I've only just noticed, the lack of alien characters from this line. Not counting droids (still no C-3PO...criminal) & troopers (so many variants [emoji857]), there are only a handful Chewie, Yoda, Maul, jawas. Will we ever get any of the Jedi aliens? Ackbar, Watto, Bossk, any of Jabbas rabble? What are your most sort after aliens? Surely HT could invest some dollar in r & d for aliens from all those rehashed trooper releases?

Personally would like Ackbar amd Watto

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From the Cantina to Jabba's palace my attraction to SW was alway the aliens. However with $260 price tags on recent offerings I don't think I would want to spend $400 + Canadian on these figures. Price point would be to high for me to purchase.
From the Cantina to Jabba's palace my attraction to SW was alway the aliens. However with $260 price tags on recent offerings I don't think I would want to spend $400 + Canadian on these figures. Price point would be to high for me to purchase.


Plus, no two people would be able to agree on which aliens would be worth HT spending time and resources on. Especially if, as is usual with HT, they only did around 2-4. I personally would like to see more Jabba’s palace rabble that haven’t already been done by Sideshow; but that’s unlikely to ever happen with HT.
There are plenty that I'd love to see, but honestly, just give me Greedo, Bossk, Ackbar and Nien Nunb and I'd be pretty happy at this point.

Mind you, we can't even seem to get Lando or C-3PO, so... :lol
I agree. Hero prices on background characters is something many would not pay especially considering the 2020 price range - $270 USD for Jawa & Gonk!
It would be great if Sideshow were to re-release or retool their past offerings but then comes the chance of floppy bodies. Also who knows what is going on with their 1/6 licensing :dunno. Although one character I think many would agree on would be a HT Greedo.
Personally I would most likely purchase any of the unavailable aliens (or characters) on my WANTLIST - depending on how well they were done - considering trying to make a custom version can cost 2-3 times as much at times.
I?d love a new Bib Fortuna, a new ithorian, Ackbar, any of the cantina aliens, any of the other Jabba aliens... so any aliens really. Just want more aliens dammit!
Again, Sideshow should have just continued to focus on the Aliens, droids, environments and vehicles and left the human(oids) to Hot Toys. I have most of the SS aliens. While the paint jobs were lacking, for $100-$150 or so, they were great. Sure they'd command $200-$250 now (or more for the larger pieces), but the numbers just aren't big enough for HT. If SS isn't going to produce them, someone else really needs to fill that niche. Ackbar, Raddus, Nien Nunb, Watto, Neimoidians, Kaminoans, Gungans, Rancor & Keeper, Kulil, Female Tusken w/baby, Wampa, Bantha, Nexu, Acklay, Reek. Seriously, talk about leaving money on the table.
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Honestly because anyone other than the guys you mentioned which they have done are tertiary characters that no one really needs. You forgot the Ewok also, Yeah I know there is a Gonk droid but it is more of an accessory than anything else. I'm nt saying that aliens are not a colorful and Essential part of SW and that there are not many I deem more secondary than tertiary and somewhat desirable like the main ESB bounty hunters, Akbar and even a tusken raider (maybe Greedo too)

but there are too many omitted CORE characters yet to be done like Han Bespin, Lando of any kind etc. before they will ever even think of doing randos like cantina band guys or Watto or whatever.
They finally made a Jawa and GONK but the price is quite high. I don't think they will make more aliens. I want a Tusken Raider as I think they may have a chance. My most wanted is Two Tubes.
I don't think SS's 1/6 scale strategy includes SW. Right now they seem to be trying to make comic figures work. HT isn't going to spent the time or resources on developing one and done figures that sell a fraction of the main characters. So realistically, I think the only way some of these will see the light of day is KO companies (which would likely be in the $200 range) or small run customs (at $300-$500+ the latter of which is just too high).
I?d hope for ANH Tuskens but they will most likely make the odd looking Mando ones... kinda weird looking, long faces... no collar tube device thingy... Squeeze the legs and their arms motion in Sand-Language :lol
I?d be tempted by Greedo, Jar Jar (seriously), Sebulba, pretty much any of the ?alien? Jedi. But I?m not holding my breath. At this point, I?m losing hope on Kit Fisto.
As others have said, it all comes down to the types of characters they believe will have broader appeal, and thus make more money. There are far more people who would want to buy a Hoth Leia or a Snowtrooper, than would want to buy a Walrus Man or Hammerhead. That being said, I would happily buy the more prominent aliens from the OT.
What HT does is, they make figures that encourage the sale of other figures. People were wondering why the made Dooku. Dooku fights Yoda and also fights Obi and Anakin. They all support each other. And in the Jawa promo pics they were using R2. So if they make a figure like Mace Windu, he is a pivotal character because he fights Jango, but he also fights Palpatine. Once they make Palpatine then they have an excuse to make Kit Fisto.
What HT does is, they make figures that encourage the sale of other figures. People were wondering why the made Dooku. Dooku fights Yoda and also fights Obi and Anakin. They all support each other. And in the Jawa promo pics they were using R2. So if they make a figure like Mace Windu, he is a pivotal character because he fights Jango, but he also fights Palpatine. Once they make Palpatine then they have an excuse to make Kit Fisto.

Everything makes sense, but explain lonely bespin leia😜
[emoji38] Its more the design I like rather than the character

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Honestly, I'd say you should pick up the old Hasbro Watto. If I recall correctly, it's serviceable as a display piece in a 1/6 collection. It can be had for 10-20 bucks on the bay...