Question for experienced collectors here...though this is a ball park inquiry, at best...
Do you guys think the HT Stormtrooper will be available for a while? I have been set to buy Han and Chewie, but after seeing what they are shaping up to be, I feel like I need to pick up the Stormtroopers before they sell out. Whichever way I go, I wouldn't be able to even think about buying a new set of figures until Jan 2016, at least. So whatever I purchase now, be it Han/Chewie or two Stormtroopers, the second set has to wait until Jan due to other figure purchases before then.
I'm certain Han and Chewie will be around for a while. They aren't getting the best feedback so far. Han isn't bad, but Chewie doesn't seem like he is going anywhere. I'm worried that isn't the case for Stormtroopers, and I ultimately want to pick two of these guys up to flank my SSC 1/6 Vader.
Welcome constructive, no bs feedback.