Mmmmm Napalm
Freaked Out
The RoTJ trooper is anything but idealized lolI'm thinking the term "Classic" might mean this isn't specific to any film and just Hot Toys' idealized version of an OT trooper.
The RoTJ trooper is anything but idealized lolI'm thinking the term "Classic" might mean this isn't specific to any film and just Hot Toys' idealized version of an OT trooper.
Maybe it's the floor of the bunker on Endor? Or the DSII floor.
Shouldn't the helmet be all lopsided due to the mold collapsing?
Shouldn't the helmet be all lopsided due to the mold collapsing?
Here's another:
They do look really cheap.... just like ROTJ.
I'm at work, and barely can see the pics, but this seems ROTJ not ESB. Black frown (mouth) is present on both ESB and ROTJ helmets, but there are tells showing this to be ROTJ. It has the cod piece with a U type trim, I would like to see the armor too, if it has the same trim, and the abdomen buttons. Blaster is MGC type (look at the scope, full scope rail, and flat muzzle), so that is definitely ROTJ.
the weird thing, to me, is that they used their original stormtrooper molds for the Battlefront figures, but the game designs are based on ROTJ, meaning this mold would be much more suited.
I was thinking this yesterday as well. Wondering if they made the ROTJ trooper to use for their BattleFront line, but then on the other side of the same table is the Jumptrooper using the ANH helmet. So now I'm thinking, like the Snowtrooper, they're releasing a trooper from ESB and ROTJ to show that those lines are indeed in the works and on the way.
The Snowtrooper is from Battlefront, not ESB.