jkno Oh I agree about the "wonkiness" of the OT stuff, be it props or replicas. My point, and this will be the last time I'll try to convey it, is the only reason this exists is because SW had basically no budget until RotJ. If I may, a good example of what I'm trying to convey, in my opinion, would be the Iron Man armors. These are perfectly symmetrical on screen and convey that there is indeed a person inside. I'm actually older than SW, only by a little bit, but I remember seeing ESB in the theater. Films, audiences and reception has changed DRAMATICALLY over the past 4 decades to the point where a film, even one of the OT, would not be well received if released now in its original form. I know I'm jumping all over the place and maybe not making much sense but my opinion is really that everything has the tendency to move forward. Look, if ANH was filmed now with a proper blockbuster budget, there is absolutely NO WAY that those helmets would be asymmetrical, PERIOD. And if the HT ANH Stormtroopers came out looking asymmetrical, I'd hate them.