The upcoming T600 endo looks great, but how many out there, like me, can't wait to get customising it? Sure, he has a gattling gun, and is bigger than the other endo boys, but he needs that something extra.
Well, I can offer it to you... now!
As there was so much interest in the Joker Goon masks I made, and everyone who bought a set from me seems pleased with the results (check the thread in the DC comics section if you haven't seen them) I thought it would be cool to make up masks for the T600. So, with the aid of some torn up clothing, we can all get our customising fingers busy.
I am pleased with the results and, as all the endos seem to have the same dimension skulls, have already finished the prototype.
Anyone who is interested can pm me and I can start on them later this week. Turnaround should be about 1 or 2 a day, and if you look through the Joker Goon mask thread you will see that I do not keep purchasers waiting for more than a week for their product.
Cost should be about £15, or $20 each, plus post and packing of about £2.50 in the UK, or $3.50 worldwide.
So, for $23.50 you could have one of these masks in a weeks' time!
I also have available skull base stands and 1/6 hollow T800 endo skulls... hollow so you can fit LED's if you want!
Accessorise your Termies!!!
Well, I can offer it to you... now!
As there was so much interest in the Joker Goon masks I made, and everyone who bought a set from me seems pleased with the results (check the thread in the DC comics section if you haven't seen them) I thought it would be cool to make up masks for the T600. So, with the aid of some torn up clothing, we can all get our customising fingers busy.
I am pleased with the results and, as all the endos seem to have the same dimension skulls, have already finished the prototype.
Anyone who is interested can pm me and I can start on them later this week. Turnaround should be about 1 or 2 a day, and if you look through the Joker Goon mask thread you will see that I do not keep purchasers waiting for more than a week for their product.
Cost should be about £15, or $20 each, plus post and packing of about £2.50 in the UK, or $3.50 worldwide.
So, for $23.50 you could have one of these masks in a weeks' time!
I also have available skull base stands and 1/6 hollow T800 endo skulls... hollow so you can fit LED's if you want!
Accessorise your Termies!!!