Hot Toys T600 "Rubber" Mask Interest Thread

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Some pics for approval for Commtech with darker re-paint (it looks much browner in real life than the photos show) and built up nose bridge.

Oh hell yes. Hey maybe you can do some tattered clothing too to make a BD T-600 zombie kit? Just a thought.:D
But look how much people dislike AVP yet everyone rushed to buy the figures! My advice would be get them while you can! I think they will boom money wise if the film is a hit.

yeah agree abt avp2. the movie isn't very good, but i absolutely LOVE the 1:1wolf bio. to me it's the best bio design of all the predators, hands down. too bad i missed the boat on that. can't even find it on ebay now. :(

BUT. in the case of t4, i already have my favourites from the terminator universe--the t800 (1:1 bust and 18" endoskeleton). so to me, the t600 is borderline. i might or might not get it depending on how i feel abt the movie.

as for the price going up if the movie's a hit... looks like that may not happen. t4's box office has been underwhelming so far. sad.