You know....I have to say deep down in my soul there is not another true G1 Transformer nutcase on this planet more than me. But all this talk about oh it can't transform to justify not buying it is.....nvm...I won't go there.
It's amazing to me how in just about every Transformer thread and post with pictures, you always see the Transformers together in robot form. Why is that?
I'll tell you why! While the fact they transform is cool...especially in the cartoons...WHO CARES?????
Transformers G1 are so great because of the recognizability of them in ROBOT MODE!!!!! I don't know anyone that keeps Optimus Prime or any other character for that matter (OUTSIDE OF THE DINOBOTS) in alternate mode. Who the *****k cares?
On top of that, the Masterpiece Transformers were too damn difficult to transform anyways (at least for my friend and pretty sad I know)....and here is the biggest selling point of Hot TOYS Transformers G1 line to me.......less chance of loose joints, broken joints, paint damage, etc. which usually results from transforming a Masterpiece Transformer back and forth from robot to alt mode.
Once again, I got to go into the why can't there be both mode???!!!! A MP Hasbro / Takara line for you kiddies....and a Collectors Hot Toys always in robot mode (cause that's the form that really matters) line for the adults?
Don't crap on MY Transformer's parade because maybe some of you like to play in your little sandbox transforming Optimus in vehicle mode so you can try and fit Hawk from GI JOE up in that muafugga.
MP fanatics stick to MP. True Transformers fans go with both! The pure Robot mode preferrer go with Hot Toys. in my book. Just don't nobody else crap on my parade of wanting an awesome detailed painted up Hot Toys robot mode Transformer with tons of options.