I hope HT does a Cap figure in that new origins line.
Hopefully without plastic undies.
Hopefully without plastic undies.
Absolutely...given HT's hit or miss track record there really is NO incentive or reason to preorder this. Look at what just happened with the 1/4 Spidey release...def a downgrade from proto to final.
If you haven't learned by now and you preorder and then you're disappointed by the final product, that's on you!
I agree, it'd be stupid to spend that kinda money on a mediocre show, especially if you don't like it...but occasionally I can be wooed into making a purchase I had no intention on getting if the figure is flawlessly executed. Shuri comes to mind. I laughed when they announced the preorder cause I thought she was such a minor character that her actually getting a figure release was ludicrous...yet when the final product was released I was stunned by how well it turned out.
I think the proto for CapFal looks great, but because I know how HT operates at this point I will wait for the final product before making any decisions.
This. I'd have to think hard about getting a pricey fig 'coz it would represent the comics, anyway. Vs. seeing something every day that's just a salt dry rub, no matter how great the fig (do like the wings).
Then there's the poly world where Iron Studios might crank out a 1/10; tho their prices are going up too. Anyway, I'm just gonna watch and wait.
Both you and I are on the same page with regards to our dislike for the show, but regardless of how you feel I think even you can agree the prototype figure looks fantastic.
So even if you hated the show, you could always view it as a comic-accurate/inspired representation rather than the show...which is how I would be viewing this figure.
Could have done with moveable eyeballs on this, he looks kinda goofy just staring at the floor in most of the shots.
Yeah, it does. And am none too confident of any follow-up show, or figure; even tho (for instance) Disney announced there would be a Loki 2 before the first one even aired. It'd be a lot thinking; since I own both Falcons = my fav MCU films = warm fuzzies. It's not that you can compare those really (except for having guns). Only other time I had to THINK was over picking up the 3rd party Captain Marvel or the SSC statue; but I don't really like CM character. But I liked the look.
Maybe I'll just go by the old standby - "if you have to think about it, don't". Tho for me that doesn't always work.![]()
Haha those are actually pretty wise words.
Anyways, I only perused the CapFal photos quickly this morning. Now upon closer inspection of the photos I'm starting to detect some "flaws." Is it me or does he look unrealistically broad here. I know those arms are on a separate piece for better articulation, but his body looks way too wide though...
Hopefully HT fixes that.
This thing is going to shine like a lighthouse on a shelf only Iron Spiderman will be able to compete lol
The first gripe.
Get outta here!
No, but seriously...doesn't that look unrealistic/weird to anyone else? His shoulders are NOT that broad!
No, but seriously...doesn't that look unrealistic/weird to anyone else? His shoulders are NOT that broad!