Super Freak
Hopefully they make the ROTJ version.
Hopefully they make the ROTJ version.
Doesn't look like it !
Yep, real deep !!! If they're doing a speeder bike anythings possible. So bring on Quiil !!
Here are Timcent prices,
Scout : about $190 USD shipped !!
Scout + Bike : $385 USD shipped !!
Pretty damn good prices ! Plus he has some discount codes on the first page.
But you can only get the maximum discount if you pay in full when ordering.
A 50% deposit earns a maximum 50HKD discount.
Still cheaper than KG Hobby, which has the bike set at $476 with shipping.
I'll wait and see as I'd rather not use Timcent, and go with one of the retailers I'm familiar with.
Wish there was an option just for the Scout with the baby and bag as I don't really want the bike at all. Never have wanted one.
Doesn't look like it !
Yep, real deep !!! If they're doing a speeder bike anythings possible. So bring on Quiil !!
Here are Timcent prices,
Scout : about $190 USD shipped !!
Scout + Bike : $385 USD shipped !!
Pretty damn good prices ! Plus he has some discount codes on the first page.
This is an official website??Timcent?
If so this is crazy AWESOME!!
Great seller and someone I can trust selling me my Hot toys fix.
For some reason I don't think the ROTJ Scout or bike will be released anytime soon. They have the moulds now which is great but I just get the feeling they'll hold back on it so as not to bite into the sales of this. I reckon it's at least a couple of years away. If they can hold off on Bespin Han, C3PO et al then they'll milk their timings on this too.
Funny, I think I am the only person completely annoyed by this release. Rotj should have been first. We?ve been waiting years for a scout and the first one is from a show where they were used as a cringe comedy bit.
I like the show. It was ok and light years ahead of the Disney trilogy, but these should have been Jedi scouts.
I get the hype and ht sees $$ in the child. Now people who only want the ot scout have to wait at least 2 years. I don?t see them putting out a Jedi scout until these are due to ship.
At least put the Death Star trooper in the show so they?ll release that.
I have spoken.