The code that took me over the target was the one in their roundup show, which goes live here at 01.00 AM.
A few hours earlier I got an emailed $1 code, which is the first one of that kind I've ever received. Sideshow said they go out randomly.
So the first two days of Star Wars Week gave me $24.
A few events ago I never received the $5 you were supposed to get for registering, so I just assumed they were ignoring me because I never buy anything from them!
Now I'm back to a dollar, and I wonder whether even a year of Sideshow events is going to be enough to make points worth collecting, since ordering from Sideshow entails 20% VAT on the item and the delivery cost. I wanted to get the Scout for $0 because it meant I could use the cheaper DHL shipping.
FedEx is more expensive, but don't charge me a fee to collect the import tax. If the item cost even $1 then DHL would probably charge ?10 to pay the miniscule tax owed.