Just go back and watch the Martez Sisters arc on repeat and you'll soon be cancelling all your Clone Wars pre-orders
That was a better arc than the bad batch one.
Just go back and watch the Martez Sisters arc on repeat and you'll soon be cancelling all your Clone Wars pre-orders
That was a better arc than the bad batch one.
That was a better arc than the bad batch one.
The bad batch was cheesy af, but id still rather watch that 50 times than watch the stupid sisters arc even once more.
Cant tell if joking
I thought the bad batch episodes were a waste of time. No redeeming features at all. Just my own opinion, although I?m seeing a few feel the same way.
I?d ask for my money back, but I watched in on 9movies, so it only cost me my time, lol.
I have no problem with others liking it. I just thought it was a waste of episodes.
The 'sisters' arc was most certainly not a waste of time. It provided pivotal character development for Ahsoka to transition from what she was to who she became. It was also fun with some good action pieces, a bit of humour and nice cameos from future faces and locations.
But you didnt think the sisters arc was a waste of time? It was honestly some of the worst Clone Wars imo.
I thought Bad Batch was fun, had good action and we got to see Echo again.
The 'sisters' arc was most certainly not a waste of time. It provided pivotal character development for Ahsoka to transition from what she was to who she became. It was also fun with some good action pieces, a bit of humour and nice cameos from future faces and locations.
I wholeheartedly disagree but that is the beauty of opinions.
The 'sisters' arc was most certainly not a waste of time. It provided pivotal character development for Ahsoka to transition from what she was to who she became. It was also fun with some good action pieces, a bit of humour and nice cameos from future faces and locations.
I liked the arc but did think it dragged on for too many episodes. They could have done some of those episodes about the what the other jedi were doing just before Order 66 with their clone troops.
I think now that the prequel era is in a hight note and the Bad Batch spinoff is confirmed, maybe we will get minisseries spinoff from the clone wars, showing short histories that happened during order 66 like:
Animated version of the quinlan vos book or original histories featuring the jedi like Plo Koon