Super Freak
I'm more interested to know when Sideshow is going to get enough stock to service all their own customers.
All I want to know is when is Sideshow going to get enough stock that they can service their retailers?
As much as I like that V1 Mando I can't afford everything. It's a choice between an extra Mando or a new character and I'd rather have more characters.
....Who.... who are you people who only buy ONE of a given character, I admire your strength of will and I need to know more. Wow. I'm gonna end up with 15 Bobas, one? Jango, at least two Mandos, probably two Fennecs and assorted other SW badasses before I'm done. This is awful.
....Who.... who are you people who only buy ONE of a given character, I admire your strength of will and I need to know more. Wow. I'm gonna end up with 15 Bobas, one? Jango, at least two Mandos, probably two Fennecs and assorted other SW badasses before I'm done. This is awful.
I'm more interested to know when Sideshow is going to get enough stock to service all their own customers.
I doubt the cargo ship/port issues are not going to be fixed anytime soon.
....Who.... who are you people who only buy ONE of a given character, I admire your strength of will and I need to know more. Wow. I'm gonna end up with 15 Bobas, one? Jango, at least two Mandos, probably two Fennecs and assorted other SW badasses before I'm done. This is awful.
I'll buy multiple variations of a character, but I wont buy more than one of the same figure.
I?m still waiting. Truth be told, I have lost all enthusiasm for this figure. I think I?m going to sell it or try to trade it for something else.
Yeah it was tough to do but I have quite a few other lithos I paid a lot more for that I couldn?t dare think of cutting. I do have a second print of this ?Best In the Parsec? which made my decision easier. Got one for work too, but it now looks like my job will be permanently from home so it?ll just stay in the shipping tube.
I?m tempted to get one more Mando just to have him on display with his opening scene shoulder armor and tracking fob in hand. It?s a sickness.
....Who.... who are you people who only buy ONE of a given character, I admire your strength of will and I need to know more. Wow. I'm gonna end up with 15 Bobas, one? Jango, at least two Mandos, probably two Fennecs and assorted other SW badasses before I'm done. This is awful.
I wouldn?t say I know a ton about lithos, just buy what I like and some ended up being a lil pricey. Lotta good ones nowadays tho for really good prices $50-125. Darkinkart.com is a good go to for SW prints. I?m in that same camp, I don?t buy prints or figs thinking it resale value.
My most recent print is from Danny Haas. Had to order internationally since it was sold out here in the US. Looks awesome
Still enjoying all the pics and display options being posted. My order from Toys Buying Agent should be here any day now, having finally touched down in OZ.
Can't wait to display next to the OG Mando as well. I was planning on picking up all the characters in Mando armour but have had to put the brakes on collecting. Pretty happy to have the 2x Mandos (and Grogu!) representing the series for now.
Have to learn discipline yourself. Think of it as you are on budget you got enough for 2 figures but can buy two of the same character or save up by buying one, So you can get new character. (Future release)
I know your words are wise but!!! but, what about variations in a character, I need to have all of those if I love that character enough. Hence the fifteen Bobas. I have a season 1 Mando, and then I'm gonna need season 2 Mando because... I'm like that. I call these obsessions "keeping my collection focused."
That new Scarlet Witch is gorgeous! But she's a no, because "keeping my collection focused." So it works, some of the time. She simply wont fit on my Shelf of Mandalorian Badassitude. [She WOULD fit down there with my other Marvel people, but I'm not hearing their pleas just now.] I wont buy her so that maybe if we get Fennec later, I can buy Fennec with less pain.