1/6 Hot Toys - TMS015 - The Mandalorian: Din Djarin + The Child set ( DELUXE VERSION)

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Mine has a "dull shine" on chest armor (seems more shiny on tv) but it reflects light very well. My helmet seems a bit shinier.

It's a very stunning fig. Arms articulate almost 90 degrees, not as much fat suit resistance as anticipated. I can get jet pack to magnetize from outside the cape but obviously weaker contact so be careful. Maybe add a couple disk magnets to get a stronger hold.

Accessories are ridiculous w dlx, you can have years of posing options.
Had my doubts about the finish on the Beskar armor from initial photos and review videos, but I gotta say I think Hot Toys nailed it. Really can't do the armor justice without getting it into an environment where it has something to reflect. In a lightbox, he's going to look cheap and flat, but put him an environment and, well...

Excellent shots everyone... Really inspiring! Can't wait to receive this!

Another thing that impresses me about these is even though everyone has the same figure it can be personalized with accessories, mods, creative photography. I see such a personal representation of each collectors style and aesthetic and no two Mando figs look the "same". I totally appreciate the artistic nature of this hobby at it's best. It's an awesome thing.
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Excellent shots everyone... Really inspiring! Can't wait to receive this!

Another thing that I impresses me about these is even though everyone has the same figure it can be personalized with accessories, mods, creative photography. I see such a personal representation of each collectors style and aesthetic and no two Mando figs look the "same". I totally appreciate the artistic nature of this hobby at it's best. It's an awesome thing.

Nice post. Yeah, when HT is on, they're on. Now lets see the jaw - dropping Pascal sculpt for V3.
Aww! Well, thank you!
Hot Toys has made such wonderful works of art from these beloved characters in miniature form. I so look forward to coming here each day and seeing the postings and content of the many gifted and talented members we have here! Coming back to the forums this year has been very refreshing.

After a few weeks of exploring all the different threads of interest and sub forums, it has struck me how much creative passion people have for the hobby of collecting, making, modding, and scaled photography. Just some really heartbreakingly beautiful works of art. I used to do a lot of customizing and kitbashing and sharing many years ago. I think being back here has reignited that desire for a creative outlet once again.

Sometimes, it seems life isn't so inspiring. However, I feel uplifted when I come on here and see something someone has taken the time and effort to put together simply to share with everyone. I am really enjoying that!
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Had my doubts about the finish on the Beskar armor from initial photos and review videos, but I gotta say I think Hot Toys nailed it. Really can't do the armor justice without getting it into an environment where it has something to reflect. In a lightbox, he's going to look cheap and flat, but put him an environment and, well...

View attachment 510402

Great pictures everyone:clap...perfect pose right there...

Still patiently waiting for mine to arrive....it's out there somewhere...

Feel bad for you folks still waiting on this, I had to wait a lot longer than I would have liked and got it a good while ago.
Sucks so many that PO'd this, even on day one, still don't have it.

Meanwhile, I continue to contemplate if I want the regular or deluxe as I was waiting for it to be available and no longer a PO.

I was also hoping for the S2 reveal they teased with the speeder bike before this was fully available as I'm fine with passing on Grogu.
Thanks! Guess I wasn't quite the last person in the world to receive him after all.

Some more pics...

Great pics! Really shows off how good the paint on this set is. Was worried about the Beskar shine too, but in hand am very happy with it. Am impressed with Grogu's paint as well, for such a small figure.
Sucks so many that PO'd this, even on day one, still don't have it.

Meanwhile, I continue to contemplate if I want the regular or deluxe as I was waiting for it to be available and no longer a PO.

I was also hoping for the S2 reveal they teased with the speeder bike before this was fully available as I'm fine with passing on Grogu.
I think the Deluxe set makes a lot of sense for anyone who also has the original durasteel Mandalorian because that's who those accessories pair best with; the camtono containing the beskar is literally what his beskar armor was made from, and that particular pram was in the dumpster out back when Mando returned in his beskar armor to rescue the child.

I also held out ordering until January to see what a season two figure might entail, but decided I can live without a beskar spear, dark saber, and unhelmeted headsculpt that Hot Toys is very unlikely to get right the first time anyhow (although they did nail Boba Fett right out of the gate). Plus I really like the look of the red remaining durasteel armor on season one's right leg.

Great pics! Really shows off how good the paint on this set is. Was worried about the Beskar shine too, but in hand am very happy with it. Am impressed with Grogu's paint as well, for such a small figure.
Thank you! Yeah they really knocked this one out of the park!
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