Leaving him in the box for tonight is going to kill me
Boba and his wife... the life he could have had.
looks awesome
Let the hate flow through you, Turd...The more time passes the more insulting the BOBF show becomes. The way Disney Lucasfilm handles legacy characters is utterly offensive to the point it has to be intentional. And their storytelling incompetence is amazing really, I can't believe they mostly managed to hold two full seasons of Mando together.
It's even worse with Star Trek and Dr Who, both those franchises are dead . The Star Trek shows are Star Trek in name only. The new versions Captain Kirk should now be called Lames Jerk and Spock should now be referred to now as Crock.The more time passes the more insulting the BOBF show becomes. The way Disney Lucasfilm handles legacy characters is utterly offensive to the point it has to be intentional. And their storytelling incompetence is amazing really, I can't believe they mostly managed to hold two full seasons of Mando together.
This thread is gonna turn as funny as the BF thread in the movie forum.I thought the star of the Boba Fett show (aside from the Mando episodes) was his Bacta Tank.
The new versions Captain Kirk should now be called Lames Jerk and Spock should now be referred to now as Crock.
This thread is gonna turn as funny as the BF thread in the movie forum.
Congrats Ramatuelle on ur willpower. Tho, some figs, it pays to set some time aside and enjoy the moment. Like with the Beskar Mando set.
Sooo my nomads collar just "sits" properly no matter what. Armored Boba for me is as flat as a pancake, so when I do extreme leans with the neck you can see the plastic rod--so annoying. But the nomad is a very robust and padded character in the torso and shoulders. More endless futzing for us!Potatoes, you got that clown collar to lay very nicely. Was it just luck of the draw or did you spend some time getting it to lay right?
Mine is more poofy so its difficult to see any neck on the sculpt. More like a head on a plate.
You got lucky on that Nomad collar. I used the rifle strap to help hold it down on one side. I think it is also one of those things where the more you fiddle with it, the worse it becomes.Sooo my nomads collar just "sits" properly no matter what. Armored Boba for me is as flat as a pancake, so when I do extreme leans with the neck you can see the plastic rod--so annoying.
What's short for Star Trek Discovery ? STD. I refer to the Picard Series as Pukard . Honestly I like just about anything trek up until Into Darkness and it went down the toilet from there . Before then even the worst episodes of Trek had something good in them.I literally laughed out loud at this, and my cats looked at me funny.....
What's really funny is being in ST FB groups and routinely seeing: "I came here to find Star Trek positivity and I get here with high hopes that we're all going to LLAP, only to find all this complaining and fighting and people disrespecting my favorite Trek show!!!"
Oh, sweetie. Find a chair somewhere and strap in, because this is any fandom these days.