Hot Toys VGM Series Batman: Arkham City - Joker Collectible Figure (in development)

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I read that both pronunciations were accepted. However, I have to admit, Denny O'Neil created the character and said his name is pronounced Raysh, I'd go with that.


Ra's from AC > Ra's from BB

I can just imagine that when this figure is finally revealed, all of the trolls from the DC section will be flooding this thread with their usual OCD nonsense :lol.

Hope not, i avoid that section because of those fanatics.

would rather have Catwoman since I think Arkham City is the best the character has ever looked -- but anything Arkham City related is always welcome

Yep, AC Catwoman would be the best Catwoman made.
my dream joker. cant waite to see more pics. he should be more skinnier though from the pic. and im getting this no matter what.
I think I remember reading in an interview that they did not like the look of Catwoman from the game and since they were releasing an Hathaway and a Pfeiffer version they didn't wanna do a third. :(

Sucks since Arkham City Catwoman is the best the character ever looked.
I don't think their AC Catwoman would look good anyway. Bad body, lifeless head sculpt, and probably highly restrictive articulation. They wouldn't be able to do her any real justice.
I normally would'nt think to look here,I usually just look in the DC section. Not too sure about the ac Joker-waiting for the full reveal. As for ac Batman-that's pretty much a lock, unless it turns out horrible. How much longer do we have to wait?
His face was so exaggerated but it was reminiscent to the Animated Series. I mean c'mon, these games are essentially sequels to that awesome series.

I couldn't accept this without a colossal chin :clap

I tend to think of it as the ending of the animated series it was well done.
Can't wait to see this! I may skip AC Batman and just pick this up to go with my "BTAS" figure.
They are imo.

Besides Bats and Joker, there are many well designed re imagined characters they could pursue from this line but like with everything else this may be all we see.

1/6 Bane would even be bigger than Hulk :lol

If we got a Poison Ivy and Nurse Harley...

Besides Bats and Joker, there are many well designed re imagined characters they could pursue from this line but like with everything else this may be all we see.

1/6 Bane would even be bigger than Hulk :lol

If we got a Poison Ivy and Nurse Harley...


Would love harley and ivy.
i want scarecrow and freeze also but the chances are slim.