Yeah, I got into RE with the first game. I remember playing RE2 when it came out at my friends house and being scared out of my mind. Haha, that game was so awesome on a stormy night.
I hate the live action movies, lame lame lame. lol. I can respect if people like them, and I'm sure they aren't that bad, but to me.. They're not RE.
I like what they tried to do with RE5, and I don't mind RE6. The things that bother me are more character design and game play elements. Killing Wesker was the biggest mistake Capcom made, that is for sure. That's part of what made RE6 so underwhelming. You get to the end of each Chapter and it's just like.. a long drawn out battle that leaves you feeling hollow. Not a single boss was memorable. The rest of the story was fine, just.. they felt like they should have been mid level bosses, and all led up to a big ending with Wesker.