I agree regarding busts, never understood that appetite myself. As for Cap, I think he is a steal considering the detail of his suit, he also isn't part of the HT IM line so I won't use him as an example for pricing.
If we look at the pricing of the HT IM line, most of the recent IM armors have retailed for ~$200+shipping, so let's say ~$220 at your door. Fair? If we can agree on that, and you expect Monger to be double that would price him at ~$440 at your door which isn't far from where he's at now.
no no no. youre talking " i bought my iron man too late" prices. ( and factoring in shipping, which were not doing for monger, yet.) i got both mark 4 and warmachine for for 180. even mark vi was 190.
so dont be crazy. haha
or else...