Hot Toys - X-Men Days of Future Past?

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That DoFP Xavier looked so good I'd be tempted to get it even though I have no real interest in the character. Oh, if only they could give us a Mystique to go with him. I'd also take a Fassbender Magneto.

Here's a question: does Hot Toys ever take customizers into account when picking characters to produce? Because an unhelmeted Fassbender Magneto sculpt only needs blonde hair to become David from Prometheus, and maybe that would generate more interest?

As for Wolverine, I've been tired of him for literally decades. Jackman does a great job with him but I just can't stand the character. He's the Fonzie of the X-Men.
Here's a question: does Hot Toys ever take customizers into account when picking characters to produce?
I doubt that very seriously in the way you are suggesting. They do seem to pay attention to custom artists, though, as their involvement with Kato and hiring of former custom sculptors demonstrates.
So how many Wolverines is this? 4? Origins, X3, The Wolverine and now DoFP? So yeah...I have no hopes of another figure coming. I wouldn't be shocked if we got FC Wolverine with exclusive Bar Stool before getting another character from this line.
I know it's hard to tell from the screen shot, but the face sculpt looks like same one that was used for "The Wolverine" Wolverine. The only differences I can tell (again looking at a microscopic photo of a photo) is that the hair might be different and not as much facial hair.
Man, I only bought the last Wolverine figure because I thought they wasn't making this one. :gah:
Yep, mixed feelings now. I only like having one of each character, and I'd hate to sell my old one.
I know it's hard to tell from the screen shot, but the face sculpt looks like same one that was used for "The Wolverine" Wolverine. The only differences I can tell (again looking at a microscopic photo of a photo) is that the hair might be different and not as much facial hair.

I'm hoping it's just a place holder, the last Wolverine figure looked nothing like Jackman.
Snake Eyes figure
Blue/yellow shirt
TW head
XIII palms
What a surprise! Shocking tease! Finally!
Pretty much, it doens't look very spectacular and easy to make by HT standards. But I have 4 Wolverines already, so why not another?

Honestly, I don't believe it... Why would HT go through the trouble to design an entirely new outfit (and possibly new head) only make 5 just to give them away? That doesn't seem like something HT would do unless Marvel paid them a **** ton of money to do so, which would also be incredibly pointless... It's probably just an early release drawing.
Honestly, I don't believe it... Why would HT go through the trouble to design an entirely new outfit (and possibly new head) only make 5 and give them away? That doesn't seem like something HT would do... It's probably just an early release drawing.

That does seem hard to believe. But :gah: if true
Yeah, that sounds like BS. Unless he has a special base or something to distinguish him. Or unless Riddick is right, and it's a total parts reuse (I doubt it seriously).
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