Hot Toys - X-Men Days of Future Past?

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I don’t see why they wouldn’t. A Fassneto would certainly sell out, Mystique could be a hit considering the actress playing her, Trask could sell well for the same reason as Mystique, and the rest could sell well if the movie turns out great.

Wolverine (Jackman) is the biggest draw in these films and his figures are slow to sell. I don't see any of them with the selling power of Avengers / IM unless this film goes bananas (globally). Spiderman has great global appeal but neither film version has thus far produced a deep line of characters. I feel Xmen films has the same stigma as Spiderman therefore, I feel it will not be a deep line.

I'm not saying I don't want a deep line, I believe Xmen films not considered in the same league as Avengers / IM. As a result, HT will give us a few main characters Logan, Xavier and Magneto and call it a day.
Personally I'm hoping for a decent Wolverine figure, as I'm liking the costume from the movie
Wolverine (Jackman) is the biggest draw in these films and his figures are slow to sell. I don't see any of them with the selling power of Avengers / IM unless this film goes bananas (globally). Spiderman has great global appeal but neither film version has thus far produced a deep line of characters. I feel Xmen films has the same stigma as Spiderman therefore, I feel it will not be a deep line.

I'm not saying I don't want a deep line, I believe Xmen films not considered in the same league as Avengers / IM. As a result, HT will give us a few main characters Logan, Xavier and Magneto and call it a day.

I feel like Wolverine isn't selling too well because he's overpriced, comes with pretty much no accessories, and they have yet to nail Jackman's likeness. Also the 3 figures produced were from the worst movies in the franchise, and basically no hype really came with their reveal because of that.

If DOFP turns out to be as good as I expect it to be, I can see at least 5 characters from that film possibly selling out, or maybe it's just wishful thinking.

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I’m hoping for a Young Charles, and he better come with an awesome wheelchair.

Young Magneto with either 2 head sculpts, or a removable helmet.

Bishop, hopefully his gun features a light up option.

Future Wolverine, hopefully you can remove his vest so we can see that yellow/blue spandex he’s rocking.


Bolivar Trask bundled with Sentinel Mark I.

They make these and I will be in X-MEN heaven :pray:

The only one from that list that they'll make is Wolverine.
Yeah, I would love to see more X-characters, but with the Marvel Studios stuff, Iron Man was probably HT's biggest seller to date, and is the foundation for all the other stuff that subsequently sells, through either a direct (Avengers) or indirect (Winter Solder, Thor 2), relationship with him. If Wolverine isn't playing that role, then I don't see the X figure lines going much further. Would love to have a Mags on the shelf, though, alongside Nightcrawler, Cyclops, X2 Storm, and maybe a few others.
I feel like Wolverine isn't selling too well because he's overpriced, comes with pretty much no accessories, and they have yet to nail Jackman's likeness. Also the 3 figures produced were from the worst movies in the franchise

A ridiculous but true fact. And they did the same with Spiderman.
The Wolverine is one of the worst movies in the franchise? I consider it totally in the middle, with X2 and First Class ahead of it, X1 tied with it, and Origins and X3 behind it.

Sooo true, I would take Ultimate Cyclops over the movies
I would actually take the movie versions over this personally.
I don't think it was anything special, but I guess I do lump the movies so far into three categories: really good, OK, and baaaaaad. Hopefully Future Past doesn't fall into the last category.
The Wolverine is one of the worst movies in the franchise? I consider it totally in the middle, with X2 and First Class ahead of it, X1 tied with it, and Origins and X3 behind it.

I would actually take the movie versions over this personally.

I didn’t think it was terrible, but it was forgettable, X-Men 1 was very successful and original when it released. It’s a bit dated now, but I still rate it above The Wolverine.
The Wolverine is one of the worst movies in the franchise? I consider it totally in the middle, with X2 and First Class ahead of it, X1 tied with it, and Origins and X3 behind it.

I would actually take the movie versions over this personally.

The yellow and the super tightness to much huh lol
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