Hot Toys - X-Men Days of Future Past?

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Re: Days of future past wolverine hot toys?

Keith Christensen (DotF concept artist) previously worked on Suker Punch, Oblivion, G.I.Joe R, Man of Steel, After Earth.

Food for thoughts...
Well I only seen one of those, so I wont comment on his capabilities
Re: Days of future past wolverine hot toys?

Since they just put Wolveine in a mostly black suit, whay didn't they at least give hime something comic related like the X-Factor suit. View attachment 108034

Fox is developing an X-Force movie. It's not confirmed yet if Wolverine will be in it but I doubt they would use the costume yet to keep their options open.
Re: Days of future past wolverine hot toys?

Fox is developing an X-Force movie. It's not confirmed yet if Wolverine will be in it but I doubt they would use the costume yet to keep their options open.

Yes, because Fox has used so many comic accuarate costumes through all a 6 movies.
Re: Days of future past wolverine hot toys?

Yes, because Fox has used so many comic accuarate costumes through all a 6 movies.

Ofcourse they have. Did you not see the comic accurate Jubilee in X1 ?



I don't expect anything but the worst when it comes to Fox and their costume design but the X-Force costumes seem to fit their tactical approach to superhero costumes more than any other style.

Re: Days of future past wolverine hot toys?

Reviews are coming in. It's being called the best X-men movie yet and us mostly getting 4/5s.

Really hope we get some figures.
Re: Days of future past wolverine hot toys?

*******, still no news on even a license announcement from HT? I'll be happy if they even do that in the next week!
Re: Days of future past wolverine hot toys?

It would be nice if they gave us a Wolverine and Magneto (past) at least. I'd love for them to do Storm and Mystique too.
Re: Days of future past wolverine hot toys?

It would be nice if they gave us a Wolverine and Magneto (past) at least. I'd love for them to do Storm and Mystique too.

Sounds good, but odd pairs!
Why not Pf.X and Magneto or Mystique and Beast
Re: Days of future past wolverine hot toys?

Thats worst casting than Paul Giamatti :slap His head is way too wide to play Gambit! Gambit is a skinny dude,totally wrong physique.

:goodpost: Not to mention he acts like a dullard in everything he's been in. Worst casting choice since Affleck as Batman.
Re: Days of future past wolverine hot toys?

:lol you guys who are so quick to judge are the same that pretend to have been on the actor's side the entire time when you find they turned out to be good in said role :slap like all the ppl who doubted Heath Ledger and then turned and said he was the greatest joker and always knew he'd be great :rotfl:

Anyway...back on topic...saw an Advanced screening tonight. Thought it was great. Only "past" ppl I'd want are Megneto and Beast and a sentinel if HT was feeling generous. I'd take a future Xavier, Iceman and Colosus though. Maybe wolverine.
Re: Days of future past wolverine hot toys?

Crazy hot toys hasn't showed any protos of DOFP figures.
Re: Days of future past wolverine hot toys?

They didn't mention the wolverine license though the figure just appeared.

It would be nice if they gave us a Wolverine and Magneto (past) at least. I'd love for them to do Storm and Mystique too.

Sounds good, but odd pairs!
Why not Pf.X and Magneto or Mystique and Beast

There's so many options :mad:

I'll be pissed if they don't do any, it's shaping up to be the best Marvel movie this year from the reviews.
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