I am so glad you like it !
You deserve to hv it!
Thanks Kato! Its much appreciated!
I am so glad you like it !
You deserve to hv it!
I have just featured Katos tank top in my latest video last night. It may sound pricey but trust the quality is second to none. Worth every penny!
Check it!
Will these do??
ive had some luck on ebay recently searching
barbie ken tank top
some nice black ones and a few white with silkscreen? designs im gonna either bleach or just grime up
I want to apologize to anyone that my earlier comment about $50 for a tank top may have offended. I meant no disrespect to Kato.E, his skill or his work. When Void mentioned that he had "a spare from Kato" I thought he was talking about a spare shirt from a Kato figure, not a spare shirt that Kato had made. That comment about $50 was directed at mass market quality type shirts not customized work. Again, I apologize, to Kato.E and anybody else who may have taken offence at my error, sometimes I can just be a big dummy.
This is a kind of misunderstanding of a sentence only .. Never mind
I swear you will be so happy after getting this tank top .
I'll have some in soon guys... hold station!
The Ken wifebeater was an amazing piece that was ahead of its time. It's more detailed than most of the stuff you see now. It even had a fine ribbing effect. Best of all, the whole set cost less than $5. I find it amazing that people will pay $50 for one now.
Which one? Do you have a picture? I don't like how most are split down the back and have velcro.
Did'nt just about every DML WW II USMC come with one about a year or 2 back ? I can't believe they are so hard to find.