The red ring of death is a VERY common problem for the X-Box 360. The problem was worse back in 2005, but Microsoft still hasn't attempted anything substantial in fixing the issue. One of my friends had to return his X-Box three times back in 2007 because his systems went red (all three times).
In fact, here's something funny (or not). On Sunday, I visited the Gamestop at Broadway and 34th Street (in Manhattan). They had two X-Box 360s on display on the first floor of the store. One of the systems, had NBA 09' (I believe that was the game) playing just fine. However, the other system displayed the red ring of death, with a black screen. Not a good way to sell systems, huh?
For more information on the red ring of death, check out this link:
The X-Box has a lot of fun games, but honestly, no system is worth such heartache. I'm not saying this to get flamed, but if you want quality and reliability in a videogame system, then either invest in a PS3 or a Wii.
Microsoft doesn't put the time and care into developing quality products. As such, you shouldn't give them your time, or money.