How many PF figures will you actually buy?

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Eden Prairie, MN
Let's say SS makes a PF figure of every single SW character. How many would you actually want to own? There's only so much space and even if you do have the space even most diehard collectors think the Steve Sansweet approach is a little...much.

We obviously know SS can't give every character the PF treatment but assuming that all of *my* favorite characters were represented I'd still probably just purchase one main character from each movie, plus the droids.


Sure that leaves out suited Vader, Boba Fett (though I might still make a provision for him), Stormtroopers, Darth Maul, Chewbacca, and a ton of others. But really, PF collecting isn't like buying the 3 inch Hasbro figures. Most people MUST make brutal decisions on who they want in their little micro 1/4 scale collection.

Who makes your cut? Again I'm not talking about who you'd want to see but who you'd want to OWN....
I have them all ( Boba and Luke/Yoda on preorder ) except GG and didn't want him.

I will buy the following for sure as well if they are made.

3PO and R2
Jedi Luke
Kit Fisto ( Will never be made in PF I am sure )
Shaak Ti ( Also will probably never be made )

I am on the fence, but might break down on

Royal Guard

I won't be buying any PT figures in PF form other than the already mentioned Kit and Shaak which will probably never be made.
As long as they are all great sculpts, I'll buy as many as they make. So far, so good. :chew
This is a really good question but not one that could be answered at the moment. There are too many things that factor into getting a PF piece. I could see myself getting a total of 12-15 (including the 3 I have and the 2 or order), depending on price, sculpt, and a number of other factors.
It really depends on who it is, how much it costs, what it looks like and the biggest factor, is my financial situation at the time. Space would not be as big of an issue to me as I could always rotate figures in and out. Well except for Grievious I dont wan't to even think getting that thing back in the box.
Darth Loki said:
This is a really good question but not one that could be answered at the moment.
I'm finally realizing with SW that I literally have to chart out my entire collection in advance before I learn what is going to be produced. Otherwise I risk just buying every cool new thing that gets released. Before long I have *everything* and have to go through the whole process of cutting the collection down after the fact.

With PF's its even more important to do that and its fun distilling the "essence" of SW into a select few characters. I assume the 7-10 figures you'd still purchase are various main characters or are there some fringe characters in there as well?
At the moment my plan is to buy:

Darth Maul
Count Dooku
Anakin (so long as he has sith eyes)
Jango Fett (in addition to the Boba I have on order)

And then I still project space for at least 3 figures, but I do collect other than SW PF's so those three spots can be taken by something from Marvel (Captain America is a for sure purchase if/when they do that) or the classic Universal Monsters line (Had to cancel the Mummy but I wanna try to swing him later and I'd really like to get the Wolfman too).

So pretty much it comes down to what comes out that I really really like and really really want. And who knows, even if I run outta space I might get a few others (money permitting) for the day that I have a decent sized living quarters.
Going to have :-


Will get :-

Threepio & R2

and my grail of PF...


I'd also probably get a Sith Anakin PF if they made one.
i said i would only purchase vader and obi and well i have all(leia is melting on my doorstep right now) except grievous with all of the ones on preorder so i could tell you but obviously i don't even know. i bet i'll get all the OT ones.
Even though my final purchasing decision will be made on cost and space, I would def go for the following PFs if made by SS:

C2po and r2d2
Anakin (with alternate sith head)
Yoda (with light up lightsabre feature)
Darth Maul ( with light up lightsabre/s)
Royal Guard
Tuskan Raider

The above list would prob cost over $1400 so I'd prob have to sell other things to make room.:monkey4
abstractharmony said:
and my grail of PF...

WORD. However I'm a little concerned that they won't even *make* a full Bespin Luke due to the existence of the Dagobah version. I hope I have nothing to fear.... :eek:
Anakin, Both either Jedi or Sith
Obi Wan
Any other Jedi form epsiodes 1-3.
Clone troopers
Sith Characters
Other then that it would be case by case. So far GG is the only one I own with Luke and Yoda on pre-order.
I haven't bought any... yet. I really don't want to. But the ones that might sway me will be...

Tuskin Raider
Darth Maul

Or if they ever do a Bikerscout with Bike!!!!! :lol :confused:

....Maybe Yoda
Since I now have the "big five" OT PFs, I am going to be very particular about whatever other SW PFs I purchase. It will have to be decided on a case by case basis, but the one thing I do know is that I only want the OT. For the PT, I'll stick with the 12" figures.

(I hope Tom isn't reading this, but...)

I have the Boba Fett PF on pre-order, but I am more than likely going to cancel him.
At the rate they are being produced, I am still sticking to my original goal of buying every single one they make.

RoboDad said:
(I hope Tom isn't reading this, but...)

I have the Boba Fett PF on pre-order, but I am more than likely going to cancel him.

Shame on you!! He's the very best one!!!
I may end up cancelling the Fett exclusive to pick up the regular for a lot cheaper. I unfortunately have to be very conscious of the extra money an exclusive will cost me and I don't know if that artifact is worth the $50 price difference.