How many PF figures will you actually buy?

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I plan on getting them all. Space will eventually become an issue, but I figure I can rotate what I have on display... or buy a bigger house.
Batty said:
I plan on getting them all. Space will eventually become an issue, but I figure I can rotate what I have on display... or buy a bigger house.

I am getting to the point where I am about to box up my entide SS WETA LOTR collection due to space. I plan to move within a year from my townhouse to a single family home so space won't be an issue anymore so I won't sell them, but right now I am hard and heavy into the Star Wars line and want that on display a little more than my SS WETA line.
The main reason I wouldn't want to collect them all is because I wouldn't want my favorite pieces to be dilluted by the quantity of other figures. That's what I notice when looking at large collections of 1/6 scale figures.
Luke/Yoda (Pre-ordered)
Boba Fett (Pre-ordered)
Vader (Got 'im!)
Grievous (Got 'im!)
Han Solo (Not sure how I'd like Han, in his current classic incarnation or in something that might be coming, like an Endor Han or Bespin Han. I'm still pulling for Carbonite Han. :chew )
Right now I have Vader and Obi...

Who I will get...


Thats probably it. I wouldn't have gotten Obi in PF but looked to good with Vader. But my PF line is gonna be Sith only.
I've already decided what I will buy from all of SST's PF lines (current and possible future, assuming they're made, of course). This list helps me in that I know it's what I really, truly want and I won't be swayed by other figures, no matter how cool they may look. There will be no impulse buying here, I have purchased (or will) any PFs on this list that SST produces:

Leia (got it)
Padme (in tighty whiteys, there could be regular and exclusive "battle damaged" version)

The rest is non-SW so stop reading if it will offend you!!!! :maul

Captain America (seems like the a no-brainer SST, where is he? but please don't make it some funky Earth X version)
Invisible Woman, Fantastic 4 (if it looks just like Jessica Alba :D )
Dark Angel, again with the Jessica Alba? where is this guys mind? :lol
Buffy (on order)
2nd Buffy (with axe from final season in an action pose)
Spike (on order)
Seven of Nine (got it)
Selene (from Underworld)
T'Pol ST: Enterprise from "In a mirror, darkly" episodes
Keira Knightley from POTC (in pirate disguise)
Aragorn in ARMOR as king (tired of robes)
any LOTR Elf in ARMOR (ditto with the robes)

I would have had Charlize Theron as Aeon Flux on here, but I got a really cool 1/4th scale kit from (looks better than their pic on site). It mixes in a little leather and 'real' hair to give it a PF look rather than that of a statue. Of course you have to put it together, paint it etc, but that's fun for me.
I would probably try to get them all provided that they were all to the caliber that they have been to this point and that they focussed on primary and (some) secondary characters that were integral to the story (or character types in the case of Stormtroopers or Tusken Raiders). Random aliens and teritiary characters need not apply.

Also while I do like the Dagobah Luke and think that it's a great way to showcase Yoda in a PF format, there are very few characters I would want created in different costumes. I could only think of Luke (Pilot, Jedi), Leia (Tatooine), Padme (TPM Senate, AOTC White), Obi-Wan (OT, PT) and maybe Han (Bespin) that I would be interested to see multiple versions of.

Of course I could go broke getting them all... so I would hope that they only released 3 a year (or 4 if they were a lower price).

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Already have Vader and Boba is on pre-order. Others I'd buy are:

Sidious and/or Palpatine
Jango Fett
Royal Guard
Other Vader costume variations
I want to buy them all...and when they are actually shipped, to sell them on the evil bay. that way, I can actually afford the ones I want.

MAUL, DOOKU, Dual Bespin Luke would rock (already getting dagobah with yoda, so probably can't afford that), I wouldn't find an Asajj Ventress.
congerking said:
I want to buy them all...and when they are actually shipped, to sell them on the evil bay. that way, I can actually afford the ones I want.

MAUL, DOOKU, Dual Bespin Luke would rock (already getting dagobah with yoda, so probably can't afford that), I wouldn't find an Asajj Ventress.

Well, since most of the PF's can be had for less that SS charged I don't know if your plan to flip them is going to work well unless you get the exclusives which seem to hold value or go up.
I will buy all of the Star Wars PF's. As for other's, I will pick and choose. I have the Wolfman (color version) And will pick up the others as money becomes available. I was never a big fan of the Hulk, but when I saw the grey exclusive Hulk I had to get it! That will be the way I'll deal with 1/4 scale. If I like it I'll buy it. I will only be a completist (hopefully) with Star Wars.
Darth Loki said:
I wonder if we'll ever get an EU character in PF?

YES YES YES YES YES !!!! I sure hope they do. Even though not everybody is familiar with them, I think they should. I want Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma. ULTIMATE Sith Master/Apprentice combo right there.
congerking said:
YES YES YES YES YES !!!! I sure hope they do. Even though not everybody is familiar with them, I think they should. I want Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma. ULTIMATE Sith Master/Apprentice combo right there.

Wonder if they'd do a poll like they did with the 12" EU characters. I'm still bitter as hell that Padme won. I love every single one of the other characters 100X more than her. Not to mention we know we're going to get at least a couple other Padmes.


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Khev said:
I wonder if fan-made characters are considered "EU". Because I made up a Star Wars character named Anaidni Senoj Solo, twin brother to Han Solo. Anaidni is a bit of a rogue himself, brandishing a leather jacket, fedora and whip! Come on SS, please make a PF of my homemade STAR WARS character!

HAHAHAHA, can you post pics of him? Just don't call him junior.....