My thoughts, I think that MOST PFs don't have overly active poses. They tend to be iconic poses...
I agree, even so a non-action pose could have been more animated. I was unable to find a vidcap online but Buffy fans will know what I'm talking about when I mention the pose that Buffy had that ended the opening credits for several seasons where she's got a real bad-ass look. I think it might have come from the episode where she undergoes the tests from the watcher society i can't remember for sure, maybe from an episode where she fought several guys that attacked here while she was on a long table. That's what I remember anyway. In the pose she's holding an axe (not the scythe) after she fought off the baddies. It's a really cool look and I think it could have made a fantastic PF and it was the final shot in the credits so it would have had some recognition factor among fans.