How many threads do we need for the same thing? Really...

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Darklord Dave said:
I'm not terribly fond of the rigorous policing of forums as is the practice in some places. They tend to frustrate me.

Mods will combine threads where appropriate, but "The sculpt Rocks!" and "The sculpt sucks!" are 2 different subjects. "I just got Obi-Wan" is an entirely differnt topic than "Obi-Wan images".

Yeah and not to mention the fact that we really get to run our post count up by posting the same response in all 6 threads :rotfl

Seriously though, the obi-wan threads excluded, I think alot stims from the fact that there is more traffic on here now and threads quickly fall off the first page. Someone comes along and doesn't see the topic on the first page or maybe even the second so they start a new thread. Then someone post in the new thread about how there is another thread about it and then the original thread gets a new post and now both threads are back up front. Not to mention the tendency that 2 or 3 people actually start similar threads at the same time, especially around shipments, preorders, 25-30 day notices, newsletters, etc.

No biggie really, it all gets sorted out in the end.
Geez, I thought the number of threads on Obi was mild compared to the number of threads on Jedi Luke. Those lingered a loooooong time as well.

So to the newbies, we're actually showing some restraint right now, believe me. :monkey3
There did seem to be a lot of I love/hate/need/have the Obi/Mace/Kit/etc threads... but it does seem to make it easier to find what you want. If I need to find out if the figure is shipping, i can find it in a thread. If I want to see in hand photos the same. Its a good system, but it can be a bit overwhelming at first.

But in all honesty I used to post at RS about Sideshow, but after using the Freaks board I find this set-up, and community much more fun and easy to navigate. Don't really post there much anymore :monkey2
galactiboy said:
But in all honesty I used to post at RS about Sideshow, but after using the Freaks board I find this set-up, and community much more fun and easy to navigate. Don't really post there much anymore :monkey2

Good call, my young padawan!

Sorry... I wanted to say that all day but the moment never arrived.

Until NOW! mua ha ha ha!

(anyone ever quote a movie and like... the person you're with thinks you're a freak?)
Multiple threads seems to be fine...And like Dave said they are all properly titled so you know what your getting when you enter them. I dont see the problem.
Coheteboy said:
(anyone ever quote a movie and like... the person you're with thinks you're a freak?)

My fiance just knows to put up with it at this point... luckily she is getting better about recognizing them.
I don't mind multiple thread as long as they discuss a different aspect about a figure! If we have two threads discussing why they hate a certain figure, then that gets annoying.
what is annoying is that some people do not use the "SEARCH" function to find out if the same topic has been brought up yet.
well we have multiple TV stations that talk about the same stuff over and over, so why not multiple threads on a interwebnet board?
Magnuz said:
Not to step on anyones toes, I know folks are excited, and hey im a newbie here, but seriously theres 5 threads for obi wan right now alone and he hasn't even gotten to anyone yet. I'm sure there will be a 6th (Obi Wan Images) thread as soon as he does. How many do we really need to discuss one figure? I know the threads can get very active but come on guys... its hard enough to find out whats been said without having to track through multiple threads about it.

This has happened before, and maybe here it's just normal practice, most forums i regular, you just make one thread about a subject and stick to that thread to discuss it... keeps everything in one place....

Soooo.... am i the only one who thinks this way? I know cohete noticed this trend too, he and i both regular another board and so we have a similiar view of how discussion could be held... it's just a thought... maybe folks could voice some opinions on it... maybe im in the dark about some preference for creating new threads instead of just sticking to one or something heh.

Did you not read the rules and regulations of this forum? Newbies :rolleyes:
The minimum is 10 threads per subject. We are obviously way behind. Feel free to start thread #6.

well we have multiple TV stations that talk about the same stuff over and over, so why not multiple threads on a interwebnet board?

Hmmm... so do you watch one channel's news and then watch another channel for the exact same news again? Yeah, if you're really really bored.

This thread is ONE channel and the threads are seen as 'different' programming. Supposedly.
wow, the weird thing is,
each individual thread that you refered to... gets aroumnd 20 pages or more of postings.....
haha, so maybe spacing them out by making several threads will prevent those threads that are 60 pages and not worth "flippng" though lol
Coheteboy said:
Hmmm... so do you watch one channel's news and then watch another channel for the exact same news again? Yeah, if you're really really bored.

This thread is ONE channel and the threads are seen as 'different' programming. Supposedly.

Nope I skip the others.

Just like people can skip a thread.