How much is vasquez and apone going for?

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What's interesting is that Hot Toys wasn't as big back when they released the original Colonial Marines. They have a lot more money for licensing now.

The very fact that they bought the licensing rights to all of the Alien films including Aliens again makes me wonder. The new Kane and Dallas look a lot more like the actors than the Marines did.

If the Alien figures are a sign that they now have the likeness rights to human characters in the Alien films, maybe they'll remake some of the marines with the actors likenesses. Then they'll make money and the originals will be very different than the new ones.
The bottom line is they could and with their current track record, its very likely that they just might do it for all the reasons most have mentioned.

1. They have the full license now=$$
2. They as a company and as a product line are much more popular now=$$
3. They are on a rereleasing other product (appleseed, predator, robocop)=$$
4. They know their is a HUGE demand for their figures (origs & re-dos)=$$

Now since, like all other companys, they are out to make money, it would stand to reason that there is a pretty good chance we will see this happen down the road. Besides does HT release edition sizes?

As a matter of fact, its starting to become an industry standard. DCD with their re-do of Hal Jordan Green Lantern. Hasbro with their Saga Legends line. Mattel with their new DCUC 2 pack line. If they can make some dough (which ebay bears witness that they can) by making slight mods to existing molds and re-releasing the product with little to no additional tooling, you can bet your arse that there's a very good chance that these will come around again.
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I hope they don't re-release them. What's the point of calling them limited collectibles if everybody can grab them easily? Sure you guys will buy up the re-released figures but then a few months later someone will complain about the high prices again and want them to re-re-release them. It's an endless cycle. In order for a collectibles company to have any integrity what-so-ever they need to stick to their set edition sizes.

I think a lot of people are jealous about the high prices these figures now fetch. You either have to bite the bullet or just pass. :D Personally I hope they keep going up because it will make them feel more special. :lol

They really aren't a collerctibles company. More of a toy company with some classy stuff.:D They probably won't re-release but I'd love it if they did if only to see the many jaws drop that I know would.:banana
I hope they don't re-release them. What's the point of calling them limited collectibles if everybody can grab them easily? Sure you guys will buy up the re-released figures but then a few months later someone will complain about the high prices again and want them to re-re-release them. It's an endless cycle. In order for a collectibles company to have any integrity what-so-ever they need to stick to their set edition sizes.

I think a lot of people are jealous about the high prices these figures now fetch. You either have to bite the bullet or just pass. :D Personally I hope they keep going up because it will make them feel more special. :lol

One of the biggest reasons why people want them to re-release the wave 1 marines is only because of the prices they go for these days. They all took forever to sell out, especially vas and apone.

I also hope they dont re-release them and im pretty confident that they won't. like ive said, if they were going to re-release, they would have done it a year ago. they're moving on to new things as those marines are already 3 or more years old. Im just glad i havent spent more than $125 for any of the 6 hicks figures that ive owned and retail for the 3 apones. :lol:lol
It's obvious everyone that wants rereleases does so because they don't have them and because of the high prices. I just want to see people who think their set is worth 3K to cry.:banana
I'll get a Hudson set and customize it to look like Hicks before I'll pay a suckers price.

customize it all you want but it will never really be a hicks. just a make-believe. :D and you being a rare whore, i don't think you could live with it.
Face it guys, you snooze you lose. When I heard these were coming, I made it top priority to have them all and was the first member here to have one. :D
I've missed out on quite a few other figures I really wanted at the time, but I knew these were a one time deal. Some of those figure sets I missed out on became hard to find affordably today, but I don't miss them in the least since Aliens is my favorite film. I got to have my absolute badasses!

Personally, I'd want them to just release a few of the other unproduced Marines, armor/weapon and Colonial Marine BDUs sets that you could customize into new Colonial Marines.
I had to buy them all back .. sniffles ...

But I will tell you one thing.
I still don't regret it , they are awesome !! :rock
I just want some colonial marines. I don't care if they're Hicks or anyone else specific. Would love loose armor.

I can totally relate to that. i love these figures even though the head sculpts are dodgy but they look great.But i dont have any ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :banghead:banghead
Personally, I am not all that pressed. I've never even checked ebay prices for any of these. If HT re-released these, i'd be all over em...but I don't own them and I'm good with that. I remember when they first came out, I wasn't really into the 1/6th scale stuff...but "Mine eyes have seen the glory..." But if I never get any, I'm still good. I would hope they would re-release them for true collectors that want them, not scalper whores...and not to devalue the original stuff for all the guys who seem to care about what their figures are "worth".
Well put. I am a whore but I just want some to play with. Like you, I can live just fine without them. At over 300.00 a pop I WILL live just fine without them until the prices drop and eventually they will. It's all cyclical.