How much tape is usually on a Sideshow package?

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Super Freak
Nov 14, 2005
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I was just curious how many pieces of tape are usually used. This is the Anakin, with the bent box that I received a long time ago from Sideshow, but never opened. I was just looking at him tonight and noticed that there are several pieces of tape (2-3) over each section. Is that normal? Or could it be a return? Just curious. Can't do anything now...


...but open him! :D
Here's Anakin, fresh out of the box after a year of receiving. :)


...loose arm didn't disappoint. ;)
Hi Justine, just to let you know. The new packaging for Plo Koon no longer has tapes. The transparent plastic is fasten together by catch at the sides.
JustinLuck said:
I was just curious how many pieces of tape are usually used. This is the Anakin, with the bent box that I received a long time ago from Sideshow, but never opened. I was just looking at him tonight and noticed that there are several pieces of tape (2-3) over each section. Is that normal? Or could it be a return? Just curious. Can't do anything now...

...but open him! :D

Yeah mine had that much tape as well, it's normal not a return. Anakin's a sweet figure, just fix his arm and he will loads of fun. I burn and shroomed the tip of my Anakin's arm it never fell off after that.
Thanks for the interesting tidbit Puaye. That's good for collectors that like to keep the boxes, but not quite as good for people who purchase on ebay.

Amir, thanks for the info and yes, his paint job is stellar, straight from the box.

JustinLuck said:
Thanks for the interesting tidbit Puaye. That's good for collectors that like to keep the boxes, but not quite as good for people who purchase on ebay.

Amir, thanks for the info and yes, his paint job is stellar, straight from the box.


So how did you fix his arm did you burn and shroom? Also here is a quick tutorial by Dave at Rebelscum on how to get Anakin's Tunic and gauntlet sleeve to look right: Bonus! Anakin Arm Tunic Technique
Haven't fixed it yet. I have to take his clothes off first! Haha. Yeah, I might try that tutorial later. Thanks Amir. And it's good to see you around here again.
Your welcome and I always visit here, I just don't post as often :)
My piece too has the same problem, the right hand keep falling off. I believe SSC might have noticed the fault and made improvement to the Sith version of Anakin.
Ok guys, take a good look, because this is the last time you will see my Anakin look like this. ;)


Let the modifications begin! :D
Puay said:
My piece too has the same problem, the right hand keep falling off. I believe SSC might have noticed the fault and made improvement to the Sith version of Anakin.

My Sith Anakin actually has more of a problem with the arm staying on.
Yep, my Sith was like that too. No problems with regular Anakins arm... but the Sith was much more tempormental. Go figure :rolleyes:
What exactly are you going to do to Anakin Justin?

By the way, you never answered my questions about whethr or not you do commisions... :nono
Here's a quick futz. If it wasn't for the gauntlet glove, he'd already be on a different body. I tell you though, the number of times he has fallen over, I'm ready to throw the Sideshow body out the window!


Oh and in case anyone still has trouble with the arm falling off, a thin layer of poster putty over the knob seems to work well.

And Pixle, I'll leave that to the more talented members on here for now. :)
not just the body, the sideshow boots are bad as well.