Super Freak
I am
(25^(1/2) x 4) + 3cos(Pi) - 4 + 6
math is fun!
(25^(1/2) x 4) + 3cos(Pi) - 4 + 6
math is fun!
I am
(25^(1/2) x 4) + 3cos(Pi) - 4 + 6
math is fun!
I am
(25^(1/2) x 4) + 3cos(Pi) - 4 + 6
math is fun!
Pi is real of course. cos = cosine I assume. ^ is winking at (1/2) LOLz.
My brain, alas, is simply incapable of understanding anything outside of basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
on Saint Patrick's day I will be 26, people say I look 20, I feel 45....
My brain, alas, is simply incapable of understanding anything outside of basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
I remember talking to my uncle who was in his 40s then, that Christmas was a long ways off (it was summer). He said, wait till you get older, time goes faster as you age. I didn't believe him then, but I sure do now. It's almost scary how fast the days go!
I'm turning 26 tomorrow.
I don't celebrate Valentines day, Single Awareness day or get flat drunk off your ass day. I celebrate my Birthday![]()
That's because at 10, 5 years is half your life, but at 30, 5 years is only 1/6th your life. The more time goes by, the shorter each unit of time will be relative to your lifespan, and so it will seem like a shorter length of time to you, and thus time will seem to speed up for you.
Not saying if that's right or wrong but, I think the answer is a lot simpler than that:
Patience/activity dictates your perception of time.
If you're impatient and/or not doing anything, regardless of your age, you'll perceive time going by slower than if you have patients and/or are busy doing something.
Not saying if that's right or wrong but, I think the answer is a lot simpler than that:
Patience/activity dictates your perception of time.
If you're impatient and/or not doing anything, regardless of your age, you'll perceive time going by slower than if you have patients and/or are busy doing something.
That's because at 10, 5 years is half your life, but at 30, 5 years is only 1/6th your life. The more time goes by, the shorter each unit of time will be relative to your lifespan, and so it will seem like a shorter length of time to you, and thus time will seem to speed up for you.
Not saying if that's right or wrong but, I think the answer is a lot simpler than that:
Patience/activity dictates your perception of time.
If you're impatient and/or not doing anything, regardless of your age, you'll perceive time going by slower than if you have patients and/or are busy doing something.
I'm not fully certified so I don't have any patients.