Not sure how you can prepare for a pandemic?
I don't think you do actually.
What I mean is IMHO the goal should be more towards "self reliance" over the more controversial "prepper" methodology. Small steps add up over time. It's just like our hobby collections. We started somewhere, usually something small, and we built over time.
Energy - A full blown solar set up for those who own homes, I can see the hesitation there. It's quite a large investment for most people, and there are lots of shoddy contractors out there. Also it's very visible. However a smaller set up, like a portable power station with some fold out solar panels, well that's not going to power your hot water heater and fridge around the clock, however it will let you do things like power a lamp at night, recharge your small devices, and give you some kind of power option should there be some kind of short term or long term grid failure. The technology for smaller level solar has gotten much much better. It's less of an investment, smaller footprint, easier to keep discrete most of the time and will create more options for people. If you are in a bad spot, having the means to power a tool, or a lamp, or an MP3 player, or to just watch a movie on your laptop once in a while, that's helpful. Also it eases some of the stress/mental/psychological burden of a hard situation
Food - I think most people can grow something. A garden is ideal. But even someone in a tiny apartment might be able to grow something on their balcony or maybe they will have roof top access. If Matt Damon can grow potatoes on Mars, then most people can grow some smaller level food stuffs for themselves. Probably healthier and will cut into the overall food budget to give you some flexibility/breathing room elsewhere. At minimum, a small step is for most people to just start composting.
Health - There is so much free training information out there. I'm not saying all of it is good and safe, but a lot of it is very helpful. While I think owning some small home gym equipment is ideal if you have the space, you can do a lot of training with just body weight exercises, some open space and minimal gear. You can "prepare" better by being in great physical condition. If there is something out there new that ravages the nation, being in good health puts you in the best position to fight that off. If you can at all. Also you want to be in good shape to help your obligations like kids or elderly dependents. And to be in the best condition to fight if need be. In many cases, if things get bad, maybe you need to leave and leave quickly from your living situation. You want to be strong enough to carry some gear and walk out if you need to do it. Maybe even help another person in your family or group. Again, this is an area that is a small step daily type of thing
Water - A more advanced strategy would be a rain catchment/"grey water" system using elevated 55 gallon drums and refitting your rain gutters with a filter system. But there are many less expensive water filters out there, that are portable and reliable. Learning how to make an improvised water filter, or a solar still, etc, etc, is all small stuff one can learn in more prosperous times.
Baby steps. Instead of a traditional vacation, maybe go camping instead and learn more about how to start a fire without a traditional fire starting source/asset. Read a book or two on the subject. Watch some videos once a week. Start a journal on the topic. Listen to some podcasts. When going grocery shopping, buying an extra 2-3 cans a week until a larger reserve is created. Things like that if the resources allow it.
What's the saying - "Never let perfect be the enemy of good" I don't think it's a stretch to say hard times, much harsher conditions, look more likely than not in the near future. I don't see that as nihilism, conspiracy theories or fear mongering. The world around us looks more fractured today than it did five years ago, exponentially so. I think we can all make some gradual shifts to create opportunity. Not complete answers, but more aligned to opportunity and potential for ourselves and those we love. The majority of people in this hobby are male. I'm going to say something that's generally not politically correct. It's different for men. We are expected to protect and provide. We are expected to have answers when things are going bad. We don't get to say we don't know, that we can't, that there are no options. It's expected that we "deliver" for our loved ones. It's our natural imperative to bleed, sacrifice, fight, and even die for the people we love and have a duty towards. If it comes to that.
So I'd say asking for large scale changes very fast is just not practical. It's too much and too soon for adults stuck in real everyday grind and life. However progressive structured planned out changes can be a good thing.
I'll say what I said before - No one else is coming to save us. We have to be our own cavalry. We have to be the tide that comes in and lifts all boats around us when it comes to our family and loved ones. But we can try to do it now when the situation is a little more stable and little more generally prosperous.