Hey Elwood! Where you been?
Zoomed to fill the screen, chopping off the subtitles and emphasizing the lower resolution is the only way to watch them if you have a widescreen display.
Despite not being anamorphic, these look REALLY good.
I watched parts of ANH and TESB today.
My video set up is a 119" screen, IF 7200 FP, Oppo, HDA1 and Zektor DVI switch.
I have them being scaled to 1080i and then going to the IF.
Both look VERY good and better than any bootleg out there. They look even better than the actual LDs as well (when I had them). There is some "grain" or "dots" that are more apparent than other releases but you get used to it. I also preferred the picture of the Oppo player compared to the HDA1. That said, there is no LD "tearing" with these versions and colors look great. It is so nice to have the original colors back. I hated the '97 SE tints.
For $15 each, they are a must have. It's great to have an easy way for everyone to enjoy the TRUE Star Wars trilogy.
More later, I got to watch more now!